33. Woman Of His Dreams

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Laurent sat next to Aaliyah as she flipped though a wedding magazine quietly humming a song that he's sure he's never heard before. They were waiting in the doctors office for Aaliyah to be seen. It was one of those postpartum check ups that Laurent didn't need to be at but Aaliyah wanted him there anyways.

The door opened to the waiting room and a nurse called out the last name of a patient. Aaliyah still casually flipped through the wedding magazine, not actually reading or looking at anything but just skimming it.

The door swung open and a full and curvy nurse came through looking at her chart. "Aaliyah? Cartier.."

Aaliyah put the magazine down and stood up fixing her shirt and started to walk toward the door until she noticed Laurent wasn't following her. "Lau.." She whispered. He looked at her slightly perplexed.

"I have to go with you?"

"I want you to." She waved him over.

He got up and followed behind her as she took hold of his hand. After taking her weight, height & temperature the nurse lead them to the examination room and Lau sat in the chair while Aaliyah sat on the exam table. The nurse went over a few questions with Aaliyah while entering them into the computer then told her the doctor would be in shortly.

"Well at least I gained some weight back.." Aaliyah said looking at her feet.

"It will come back." Lau reassured her. "Don't worry about that."

The doctor knocked then walked in the room and greeted the couple. "Hello Aaliyah, nice seeing you again." She said then took a seat in the chair by the computer. "So how are you feeling?"

"I feel okay I guess."

"No fatigue, stress, depression or any pains?" The doctor said looking at Aaliyah with a raised eyebrow. She knew there had to be something because of the plummet in her patients weight. "How's the baby doing?"

Aaliyah looked at Lau almost afraid to answer the question. "Uhm.. Well the baby is still in the hospital for now, hopefully she'll be coming home soon."

"Well I hope she goes home soon too; congratulations by the way." The doctor said looking at Lau with a warm smile.

"Thank you very much." He said returning the smile.

"Now, Aaliyah.. Looking at how you went from 140; your pregnancy weight, down to 101.. Tells me something occurred after you gave birth."

"I guess it was just stress. But I'm okay now."

The doctor sighed. "Well I'll have to set up a diet plan for you. At such a young age, losing nearly 40 pounds in a month is very unhealthy. So you should take every step to get back to your original weight of 135."

Aaliyah had no choice but to agree and listen. She wanted to be healthy again so that wasn't going to be a problem. The doctor went over a plan with her and discussed a few other things.

"Hopefully you'll be back to your normal routines and weight, if not higher, by your 21st birthday. That way you can have loads of fun."

Aaliyah's eyes widened when she heard Laurent shift in the chair quickly upon hearing the doctor saying that. She didn't dare look at him but she could already tell his body language was different than before.
He cleared his throat and sat up straight.

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