39. Mysteries Unfolded

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Laurent was putting the baby down for the night. He was glad that it was so easy to care for his daughter and that he was good at it. That happened to be just about the only thing going through his head; whether or not he took care of his daughter well enough just in case he'd ever have to do it on his own for a while. He gave her a kiss on the forehead as he laid her in her crib then covered her with the blanket, dimmed the lights and left the room. He stood in the hallway for a moment and debated on whether or not he wanted to go into the room to relax or go downstairs to keep his distance from Aaliyah.

He sighed and walked into the room. As soon as he heard the shower running he sighed with relief. He wasn't looking forward to another argument and hopefully she'd be in the shower long enough for him to fall asleep. Just as he laid down in the bed and got comfortable he heard the shower turn off. He sighed knowing that there was probably another argument that would arise once she found something to argue about. The past few weeks had only been arguments regarding their wedding. He wasn't nervous about but it seemed like Aaliyah was because that was all she could talk about. The bathroom door opened slowly and Aaliyah came out tightly wrapped in just a towel. Her hair was wet, and her body glistened from the water. He tried not to look but that didn't work.

"I.." Aaliyah started. She took a deep breath and exhaled sharply. "I almost died in there. I have got to stop taking such hot showers." She shook her head as she sat on the foot of the bed.

Lau couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Aaliyah started singing as she looked through her drawer for something to put on. She found clothes then went to put them on. As she came back she stood in the bathroom doorway and looked at Lau. He was laying there on his phone looking at whatever was interesting to him in the moment.

"Can we talk?" She asked walking toward the bed.

He looked up at her over his phone. "I guess.. What's up?" He didn't pay much mind and went back to what was on his phone.

"No, seriously Lau. I want to actually talk." She sighed sitting down.

"About what?" Laurent asked putting his phone down.

Aaliyah folded her legs in front of her and flipped her hair off of her shoulders. "Everything. You, me, our relationship, Lehlanie, the wedding, this house.. Everything."

He sat up and rested against the headboard. "If it's going to be bad, I don't wa-"

"Listen, this won't continue to work if you're not willing to talk about things Laurent." She admitted shaking her head.

"Okay, okay.. I know."

"I'm just going to talk, just listen right now okay?" She felt she had to make that clear before starting to talk.

Lau nodded in agreement and she started speaking.

"Starting with you, my only problem is that you don't really like listening to what I have to say, but whenever you say something I take time to hear you out and try fixing whatever." She said keeping eye contact.

"That's not all true.." he started to object. "I listen to you. Always. Maybe I don't try to fix things all the time but I do listen."

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