31. My Baby

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Aaliyah opened her eyes and looked over at the bassinet that her newborn daughter laid in. She didn't feel Laurent next to her as she did when she first fell asleep so she figured he was in the bathroom or something. She rested her eyes until she heard the faint sound of her baby moving. She opened her eyes and her vision was blurry but she could see a tall figure standing next to the bassinet looking down at the baby. She knew it wasn't Lau because she didn't see an Afro and she knew it wasn't a nurse because she didn't see the light blue scrubs a nurse would wear.

Suddenly she felt uneasy, vision still blurry she sat up and rubbed her eyes thinking it'd help but it didn't. "How did you get in my room? Get away from my baby!" She yelled.

This person ignored her and reached down and covered the babies face with their hand. She could hear her baby moving and becoming agitated. Small coughs and wheezes came from the bassinet. Aaliyah tried to get up but felt like something was holding her down so she couldn't get to her baby. "My baby! Get away from her! Leave her alone!" She tried yelling but it came out as a whisper that only she heard. She struggled harder to move the more she tried but nothing worked. She didn't know what was going on but she prayed. She shut her eyes and prayed. Crying while she prayed that her baby would be okay. She opened her eyes one more time and saw no one by her baby anymore but at the same time her baby was now silent and that worried her. She still didn't have the strength to get up so she cried.

"My baby!" She screamed while frantically hitting the button on her bed to call a nurse into the room.

This time she was heard & Laurent came running into the room with a nurse right behind him. He went straight to the bassinet looking to see what the problem was. He noticed the baby was breathing very shallow and the nurse quickly started taking action seeing that the baby wasn't responding. The nurse wheeled the baby out of the room within a few seconds while checking the baby's breathing.

"What happened?" Laurent asked walking toward Aaliyah noticing that she was crying and looked pale. "What happened baby? Talk to me."

She shook her head and cried more. She didn't know what to say. She didn't even really know what happened. "I don't know I woke up and she wasn't moving anymore."

"It's okay baby, don't worry. She will be okay. I know she will." He said pulling her into a hug to comfort her. "They'll take care of her."

A doctor walked into the room and started checking on Aaliyah. She asked a few simple questions. "How are you feeling this morning Ms. Cartier?"

"Weak... My vision is kinda blurry.. What's wrong with my baby?"

"Okay, I'm going to get you started on an IV here shortly." The doctor said writing something on her clipboard. "Your baby will be fine. This is a common problem within preemie babies. She'll be intubated to help her breathe better. For certain she will be placed in the NICU. So you'll have nothing to worry about."

"Isn't that where premature babies go anyways? Why wasn't she placed there last night then?"

"She wasn't showing any signs of complications so there wasn't a reason for her to be placed there."

"Oh. Well, when can I see her?"

The doctor raised her eyebrows. "We think it may be best that you rest for the next 24 hours. You can see her tomorrow whenever you want."

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