29. Too Many Games

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February 6th

As more guests arrived at Aaliyah's house the anticipation in the room was getting heavier by the minute. Everyone was waiting to see Aaliyah being that it was her baby shower. She was upstairs taking her time getting ready. Yes, she loved seeing family and friends but just knowing how everyone would react when they finally see her pregnant physique. The thought of everyone trying to come up to her and touching her stomach and simply hugging her made her feel uncomfortable already. She was a people person yet she really hated all the small actions of affection like hugs and hand holding when it came to anyone but the people really close to her. So, knowing that so many people would try doing these things and going the extra step to touch her stomach, made her not want to come out of her room.

"Aaliyah," Shakel said knocking on the door. "Everybody's waiting for you. Are you ready?"

"In terms of appearance, yes. But other than that? Not really."

Shakel shook her head at her best friend. "You know there's nothing to be nervous about. You'll be fine."

Aaliyah rolled her eyes and stood up taking one last look at herself in the full body mirror. She sighed, grabbed her phone off of the charger and made her way toward the door. Her and Shakel walked downstairs and immediately Aaliyah could feel everyone's eyes shift to her. She refused to look up to meet everyone's stare as she walked down the steps so she kept her head down letting her hair fall in front of her face a bit. A burst of "Awh, look at the baby bump" and "she can't be pregnant. There's no way" filled the room as she walked through giving hugs to the people she was closest too. Everyone she walked by was congratulating her and asking to feel the baby bump. Aaliyah, not wanting to seem too uninterested by the baby shower, agreed to let a few people touch her stomach here and there. The fairly large welcoming party grew in size as time passed. More people meant more gifts and more gifts meant "good lord this baby is already spoiled!"

Just as Aaliyah sat down to eat, she heard Laurent's voice as he walked through the house guests thanking them for attending the first of many baby showers to come. Aaliyah scrunched her face up in confusion as she turned to see Lau walking towards her with a childish grin on his face.

"One of many? Really? How many do you want?" She asked.

He chuckled as he raised his eyebrows. "You really wanna know that?"

"Uh, yes. Why the hell wouldn't I?"

"8.. Or 9." He said breaking eye contact with his fiancée. "Maybe 10, I want a lot of babies."

"I'll give you 2. 3 tops. That's it." Aaliyah said firmly.

The people that stood around listening to their conversation laughed at her response. Suddenly, two familiar voices and Larry came walking toward Aaliyah.
"Aaliyah!" Both voiced said excitedly as the sound of their heels click against the hardwood floor. Aaliyah turned to see two of her new favorites.
She gasped. "Anaïs! Élodie!" She said getting up to hug them. "I didn't know you were going to be here! I'm so happy to see you!" Her soon to be sisters hugged her back and both immediately went to touch her stomach.

"Is this my niece or my nephew?" Anaïs asked lightly rubbing Aaliyah's stomach.

"You have to wait to find out." Shakel said walking into the room. The sisters gasped and went to hug Shakel as well. It felt great being reunited with both girls and it was also their second time in the states. They couldn't wait to go out and experience some American things.

While time passed and it got later in the day, they played baby shower games and people won prizes and treats, it was all fun and games the whole party and surprisingly, the mommy to be was enjoying herself.
It was almost time to reveal the gender of the baby as the last few guests were tallying up how many people guessed it'd be a boy or who guessed it'd be a girl. Aaliyah's brother Ali carried a big box with the words "boy or girl?" Written largely on the front of it with blue and pink dots all over it to the backyard.

"Ooooh! It's time to find out what my baby is gonna be!" Laurent said grabbing Aaliyah's hand and walking towards the back. "I think it's a boy." He smiled.

Aaliyah remained silent with a smile on her face, as if she didn't hear him.

"Okay so there's a bunch of either pink or blue balloons in this box. When the box opens the balloons will fly out and reveal the gender of the baby. Y'all ready?" Shakel said the guests.

Everyone agreed and was ready to see the colored balloons fly out when the engaged couple opened the box. Laurent had his eyes closed tightly. They did a small countdown only to see a bunch of white helium balloons fly out.

"What?! What does this mean?" Laurent asked watching the white balloons fly away in disbelief.

Everyone laughed at how quickly his excitement turned into confusion. "What is my baby? Why you laugh? What is this, Ali!?"

Ali held his hands up. "I wasn't the one who put the balloons in there, bro."

"Kel, why you play with my baby balloons?"

"Okay, okay." Shakel said stepping forward with 2 large white balloons. Handing one to Aaliyah, and one to Laurent. She carefully handed them both a needle to pop the balloons.

"On 1, pop the balloons together okay?"

The guests counted down. "3, 2, 1.."


They popped their balloons together and out came pink confetti from both.

"Ah! It's not a boy but I'm still happy!" Laurent said hugging Aaliyah. "Thank you, thank you!"

Everyone smiled and clapped. Just seeing how happy the couple was made the whole thing funner for them. They went back inside and continued to play the games and give out prizes.

Just before sunset, the baby shower ended and everyone was beginning to leave taking their prizes and plates of food and cake home with them. Now as some stayed behind to help clean up, Aaliyah reflected on how much fun she didn't think she was going to have and compared it to how much fun she did have. She was happy that she had fun and it wasn't as bad as she thought it'd be. Now the only thing Aaliyah had to worry about was resting up before the baby arrives in the next month.

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