28. Unveiled At Last

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Laurent rubbed Aaliyah's side while she slept. Aaliyah, being an incredibly light sleeper, she hated being awakened for no reason. Laurent scooted closer behind her leaving just enough space between them so that their bodies weren't touching and continued to rub her side. His hand started to venture over her round stomach swiping his fingertips across her skin on the way. "What are you doing?" Aaliyah asked placing her hand over his but he didn't answer. "Lau?"

"I just want to feel closer to my baby." He said between the light kisses he placed on her shoulder.

She giggled. "You touch my stomach everyday though?" She said almost in question.

"So.." He chuckled, closing the small space between them. Laurent's warmness made Aaliyah feel comfortable and protected. "Go back to sleep." He said wrapping his arms around her. She relaxed in his arms and closed her eyes easily falling back asleep.

• • •

Aaliyah sat on her favorite bean bag next to Shakel in the loft. They had decided to watch movies because Aaliyah had been too sick to do anything else and since the twins had left for Germany a few days ago they didn't have much to do. They were having a horror movie marathon and Aaliyah being Aaliyah, it was more like a comedy to her. Someone got dragged out of bed, and all she could do was laugh. Her laugh was contagious so Shakel couldn't help but laugh with her friend even though she didn't find the scenes in the movie funny.

After that movie was finished the girls decided to go downstairs and participate in actual life for a moment. Aaliyah raises her arms in the air and waiting for Shakel to assist her up out of the bean bag. "Aye bitch!" Aaliyah said. Shakel went over and pulled Aaliyah up.

"Don't sit in the low ass bean bags then Mrs. Bourgeois."

Aaliyah stared at Shakel for a moment. "Don't."

She giggled. "Why not? That's gonna be your last name soon anyways. You might as well get used to it now."

"It's weird.. Shut up."

Shakel lifted her hands in defeat. They walked out of the loft and made their way for downstairs, specifically the kitchen. Aaliyah made a quick pit stop to the bathroom and Shakel was downstairs on her phone scrolling through the her Instagram timeline. Nothing interesting as usual, just a bunch of people posting pictures of food or pictures of their shoes, nothing out of the ordinary. As she refreshed the page she saw a post from Larry. She liked it then read through some of the comments. Seeing the other twins name tagged, she clicked it and looked at some of his pictures. One picture in particular looked familiar. She remembered the outfit Aaliyah had on from her birthday earlier that year. The picture was posted weeks ago but it was still a cute picture of Aaliyah and Lau. Though you couldn't see her face, Shakel knew that was her best friend. Without thinking about it, she commented on the picture "awwwww you and my best friend so cute" and got off Instagram. Before she knew it, she was getting notifications from Instagram. It was a bunch of people tagging her under Laurent's photo and some of her own asking her questions.

-Is that Laurent's girlfriend?

-You know the twins?

-Is this the girl from Lau's pic?

"Jesus, why did I comment? Oh my god!" Shakel sighed in frustration.

Aaliyah walked into the kitchen overhearing Shakel's words to herself. "What happened?"

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