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I watched the clock ticking slowly and loudly. 5pm. That's when Duncan said he would call. I leant my head on my hand, and sighed loudly. 4:57. I stirred my hot chocolate slowly, then looked back up the clock. My phone suddenly started to ring and I answered it quickly.
"Kim Richards."
"Why do you have to say my second name?"
"I don't know. I just like to. It sounds good with your name."
"Well, thank you then."
"So. Tomorrow. Is there any time in particular you want to go?"
"I don't have one in mind."
"Right. 10am okay?"
"That's fine."
"Great. I'll meet you outside YogTowers? I don't know where you live so I can't say anything like the bus stop near you."
"No that's fine. See you then Duncan."
"You too.. Kim."

I woke up early the next day; about 6am. Even though I had 4 hours to kill, I didn't want to be late. I did my usual; shower, brush my teeth, comb my hair, got dressed in what I prepared. It didn't even take an hour. I sighed deeply after I looked up to the clock and went to the kitchen. I didn't know if we would have lunch, but I had breakfast nevertheless. I watched television until 9:52, where I got my things into my Tardis messenger bag, and started to walk to YogTowers.

When I got there, I saw Duncan standing there, playing something on his phone. I took this opportunity to scare him; I walked up behind him and touched his shoulder. He jumped and turned around.
"Holy shit Kim!"
"Oh I'm sorry, but it was the perfect opportunity."
I started to laugh uncontrollably, I occasionally looked up to see Duncan staring at me, smiling.
"Y'know, you have a beautiful laugh."
"I don't. I sound like a strange mutated seal."
Duncan laughed and flipped his hair to the side, before fixing him jumper.
"Ready to go on an adventure Kim?"
"Of course I'am Duncan."

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