Meeting Hannah

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"Hey Kim."
I quietly said "Hello." And looked down. I heard Lewis chuckle and whisper "Go on. If you're going to be working with us, you're gonna have to talk."
I looked up to Duncan. He was very tall, so he towered over me, like most people do. I pushed my hair back and said "Hi." Duncan smiled at me, and my converses caught his eye. "Woah.. Batman converses.. I can tell we're going to get along well." I laughed lightly and shuffled my feet. Lewis cleared his throat. "Well Kim, you've already met myself, Simon, Sjin and Duncan, let's go to meet everyone else."
Lewis led me out the door, but I turned around and waved at Duncan. He waved back with a grin.

Lewis knocked on Hannah's door before entering; making sure she wasn't recording. I looked around at her shelves, all her game and movie collective figurines. There was a large owl ontop one of the shelves, surrounded by like an army of smaller owls; with costumes and different colours. Hannah took of her headphones and got up to introduce herself properly. "Hello. I'm Hannah, as the various signs and pictures may show." I saw her looking at what I was wearing. She immediately eyed my converses. "Oh my god I've got a pair of those as well! Lucky I didn't wear them today isn't it?" I felt more confident with her. "Yeah it is. Sorry, I'm Kim. I love all these figurines." Hannah walked over to the shelves and picked up a figurine of the Joker. "This is my favourite one of the Joker, but someone-" She looked at Lewis. "-broke it when it got delivered."

Lewis told me that not everyone that worked for the Yogscast was in the towers, so I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't be meeting everyone. "Now because we haven't properly sorted out a room for you, you'll have to record in the common room, but don't eat the Jaffa cakes in there or Simon will..." I nodded to say I get the idea. "Yes. So, as you are the newest here, your first few videos will probably be with someone. Any specific person?"
I said "Duncan." With no hesitation.

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