An Invitation

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"Hello....? Hellooooo?"
"Can I help you Duncan?"
"This may sound weird, but would you perhaps go out with me on Saturday? Not like go out go out, just showing you around Bristol."
"Um.. Sure why not? I'm planning anything. Do you want to call again Friday to confirm times and stuff?"
"Sure. Can't wait Richards."
"Me neither Jones."
I put down my phone, leant back and sighed. A day out with Duncan Jones. It had only been a week and a half, and he's asking me out. Well, on an adventure through Bristol. I wish.
Even though it was only Thursday, I wanted to decide on what I'd wear. Most of my clothes were gaming, television or movie related, so it'd obvious I'd wear something like that. I decided on a Tri-Force t-shirt from the Legend Of Zelda, all battered. I'd wear my usual Batman Converses and jeans. I slumped in the sofa and sighed. It was 15:04. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, and looked at the clock again. 15:05. "Saturday please come quickly." I muttered to myself. "Please come quickly."
My phone buzzed next to me and my hand shot to it immediately.
"Kimmmm I know you're thereeee."
"It's about time, this is the 4th time I've messaged you!"
"Oh sorry, I was talking to.. Someone."
"Duncan eh?"
"Get in there Kim."
"And you wonder why I don't talk to you."
"I'm kidding Kim! So.. What were you talking to Duncan about...?"
"Well he wants to take me out on Saturday to show me around Bristol."
"He'll take you to Forbidden Planet, oh so romantic."
"Oh god.. Shut up.."
I sighed and locked my phone. Maybe Hannah was right. It could be romantic. You can't predict what happens in the future.

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