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He carried on kissing me for 10 more seconds, before he pulled back and smiled.
"I've been waiting to do that for so long."
I didn't know what to say. It was.. Amazing....But... It was sudden. I was about to say something before Duncan sprung up, and went to prepare a small breakfast. I sighed softly and went to the bathroom. Ask anyone, and they'd probably say they'd rather stay home and work, but that wasn't the case for me; my only friends at that time were AT work. I stood in the shower for 5 minutes, thinking if this was good or bad.
I heard a knock at the door and heard Duncan sighing.
I turned off the shower and replied back with "Duncan?"
"I can't actually hear you clearly through this door, and I don't know if you can hear this, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've potentially ruined our friendship forever for me taking it one step further. I love you Kim, I love everything about you, your my geeky other, but me... I'm some hopeless romantic blob of the world, I'm not worth your love, or anything. Anyone is lucky to be with you, I just want you to be happy."
I had started crying from when he apologised, but now it was like Niagara Falls in the shower. I heard a final sniff from the opposite side of the door, and the shuffling of feet, but I still had to conceal my tears into a towel. I... I was happy that he... He loved me back... But, what does this mean? They say have a good friendship like myself and Duncan have is a great foundation for a relationship, but we're coworkers as well... We have to see each other near abouts everyday. What if we do go out, and then something happens, we'd have to see each other, and put it behind us. No I can't think like this, I love him, and he loves me. I put a towel around me, and opened the door.
There was no reply, but I saw his figure sitting on the couch, slouching. I slowly approached him and sat down next to him, awkwardly manoeuvring myself to sit comfortably. I glanced to look at him; his eyes red and puffy, and his hair mess. I leant on his shoulder and curled my legs up. I looked up at him.
"I love you too Duncan."

(I just want to apologise for making you guys wait this long a time, I've recently been working on a story irl, and I've had to 'adapt' to some changes that have happened. Again, sorry, but enjoy)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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