The Morning Tickles

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(This is a short chapter- Sorry, but DunKim feels.)
"Hey. Kim. Wake up."
My eyes slowly opened to see Duncan's face.
"Time to get ready for workk."
"Ugh... I forgot about that."
I looked around to see I was in Duncan's bed, with my things at the end of it. I let out a groan and hid my face in the duvet, like a small child not wanting to go to school.
"But Duncan I don't want to go to work todayyy."
"Well you're the one that promised Simon. Now come out from under there."
I hid further under the duvet, but I felt Duncan tickling me from the outside. I was highly ticklish so I would burst out laughing even at the slight tickle.
"Duncan!! Stop!!"
"I'll stop when you get up!"
"I'm gonna wet myself stop!!"
I collapsed in a relapse of laughter, as Duncan collapsed next to me, laughing as well. Duncan leant on his side, looking at me, and I looked back.
"This is weird isn't it?"
"No... Not really.."
"Now get your butt up and get dressed!"
But before I got up, Duncan gently grasped my arm, pulling me back, to kiss me on the lips.

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