The Day After

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I found myself asleep on Duncan's sofa in the living room, using my hoodie as a pillow. I went to check if Duncan was awake, and he was. Sitting upright, feeling his bit of stubble. Duncan looked up at me and smiled. His voice was groggily, but still understandable.
"Hey Kim."
"Hey. You feeling better?"
"Yeah. Much better now you're here."
"I phoned Simon saying we won't be in the office today, but we will tomorrow. Today I'm going to take care of you, so you don't do something idiotic."
"Thank you Kim. You're the only one that seems to care right now. I mean I had 5 missed calls from Simon, and 3 from Lewis, but they didn't go to the lengths you're at."
"I'm sure you would've done it for anyone else."
Duncan groaned and put his hand on his forehead.
"Was I drinking last night...?"
"Yeah.. Quite a bit."
I left him to shower and change into some clothes, while I headed to his kitchen, even though it was just separated from the living 'room' with a counter top. I started browsing through his cupboards, until I found some bacon, eggs and bread. As I started to fry it all up, Duncan's head, along with half of his naked torso, peaked around the bathroom door.
"Hi, um, sorry, but would you mind if I just ran over there to get a towel?"
"Oh, do you want me to get it for you?"
"If you don't mind."
I put down the pan, and turned the heat down, as the smell of burnt bacon wasn't delicious, and headed over to the radiator, where a blue towel was hanging from. I picked it up and passed it to Duncan.
"Thanks. I would've done it myself but I don't think you'd like to see the whole package."
I laughed awkwardly and went back to the counter top, to carry on cooking.
By the time Duncan came out into the living room, I had prepared breakfast for the two of us, and placed it onto the coffee table, as he didn't have a dining area. Duncan smiled as he headed over to me on the sofa.
"Wow. This looks delicious!"
"I wouldn't say delicious, I would say edible."
We both started to eat our breakfasts as Duncan's tv popped up with an episode of The Big Bang Theory.
"Kim I'm practically having a foodgasm right now."
"You're so disgusting."
He laughed loudly and looked at me, his eyes wide open. I awkwardly looked around and to the floor. After I finished, I got up to put my plate in the sink, and headed for the bathroom.
"Do you mind if I took a shower?"
"No sure go ahead."
I took a towel from the radiator and closed the door behind me.

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