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This was it. My first time going to work here. The business owner was friendly. His name is Lewis Brinley. I had just moved to Bristol. I knew no one properly here. I stood on my stool and got down my clothes I was going to wear; my Marvel t-shirt, black jeans and a pair of my batman converses. I wondered if anyone at the Towers' would like it.
It's location was discrete, none of their fans knew the exact location. I was pretty nervous. What if I got lost? This was only my second time I had gone outside adventuring. I looked down at my phone. I was there. I looked back up to a large building, made of bricks. The sign outside said 'Yogscast Towers inc.'
I slowly opened the the door to be greeting by a tall man, with brown hair and glasses. He smiled as he said "Hey, I'm Lewis. You must be Kim?" I shuffled my shoes awkwardly and nodded. "I take it you're nervous. Don't be. Everyone here is friendly." Lewis gestures towards some stairs and went in front. I bit my lip and followed him upstairs. The door on the 2nd floor leaded to a long hallway, doors on each side. Lewis slowly opened the door, and pushed me lightly forward. I looked at all the doors, each with a sign and a light above them. I looked at one closely; it had fan art of owls and a blonde woman covered all over the door. I peaked in through the window to see the blonde woman, wearing headphones and swearing at her desktop. I chuckled quietly. Lewis came next to me and said "That is Hannah. As you can tell she is obsessed with her Mr Owl, and pretty geeky. That's why I love her."

I didn't want to know everyone just yet, so i just carried on until Lewis showed me into a large room with a sofa, some desks and 2 long shelves; full of gaming figurines. There was 2 guys slouching on the sofa. Lewis introduced me to them. "This is Simon. He is the other owner of the Yogscast, and... Uh..." Simon was too busy petting a corgi toy. "Yeah. So that's Simon." He moved to the left. "This is Sjin. He's a true farmer, and a lover of Disney." Sjin stroked his beard and smiled at me. "How you doin.. Kim? Is that it?" I sniffed. "Yeah. I'm Kim. It's great to meet you."

We heard a loud slam of a door and shuffling. Someone rushed through the door and stopped abruptly. I turned around to see a man with long blonde hair and glasses. He smiled at me and put his hands in his pockets. "Sorry i'm late Lewis. I slept through my alarm. That blasted duck alarm on my iPhone is flippin' useless!" I started to giggle at him. "Thats fine. Kim, this is Duncan Jones."

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