Start to an adventure

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"It isn't that busy here to be honest." Duncan looked over to me, chuckling slightly. "You really are short arent you?" I nodded and tried to go on my tip toes. "Yes, i'am aware of my hobbit height." I wobbled on my tip toes and stumbled into Duncan, him gripping me. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. "Well.. Not quite hobbit height." I felt Duncan loosen his grip on me as I stepped back. "Sorry." Duncan laughed. "There's nothing to be sorry for Kim. I feel sorry for your height to be honest." I jokingly gasped and shoved him slightly, bursting out laughing. "You're so mean to me!"
Duncan went on ahead, still talking to me, as I looked at his bag; it was like the leather bag Chewbacca had in Star Wars. "Duncan, nice Chewbacca bag." Duncan turned around and did his signature noise, laughing immediately after. I sniggered quietly behind him. "Well, here we are. The heart and soul of nerds and geeks in Bristol; Forbidden Planet." I looked up at the sign, a large rocket, then looked in the window. My eyes widen as I saw the things that awaited us in there, and rushed in, followed by Duncan, laughing. "It's like you've never seen this before. And you say you lived in London before?" I hesitated for a minute. "Well... Yeah... But I didn't really go into the centre. Anyway, look at that!" I pointed at a life size replica of Iron Man's helmet, next to a scale model of the Delorean from Back to the Future. I could tell I'd like it here.

"Thank you!" I walked out carrying 2 bags, full of nerdy things. Duncan followed behind me again, smiling, catching up with me. "What are you smiling at?" Duncan chuckled. "Well.. You're kinda cute when you're happy."
I stayed quiet for a few seconds before Duncan started panicking. "I... I... I didn't mean it like that. I... I... Uh... If it sounded like a... a cheesy pick-up line.. I... Uh..-" I started laughing at him. "Duncan calm down to Funky Town. I get you."

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