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"We're almost there." I sighed. "You said that 5 minutes ago Duncan." "Well now we're legit almost there." We trudged up a hill, Duncan ahead of me, panting quietly. "I can see the sign Kim! See? I wasn't lying." I stopped for a minute to catch my breath, placing my bags down. "Go on without me, I feel like I may die." Duncan turned around and stopped, putting his arm around me. "If a fat oaf like me can get up this hill, you certainly can." "Duncan you are neither of those words." I picked up the bags again and carried on walking up, with Duncan's support. I saw a blue sign in the distance, swinging in the breeze. When we reached the top, we stopped. I leant into Duncan's chest while he leant on my head, both of us exhausted. We saw a bus go up the hill. "We could've got that." I weakly slapped Duncan on the arm. Duncan caught his breath and led me into a tea room, sitting me down. "You'll like it." He sat down opposite, looking at me. "Why are you looking at me?" Duncan laughed nervously. "Well..Why not?" I shrugged and looked at the menu. "Everything sounds so good.." A waitress came over smiling and bent at her knees, as she was extraordinarily tall. "Hello, welcome to Janice's Bloomin' Tea-" She saw the look on my face. "Wait I didn't use blooming as an alternative to swear! Don't worry!" Duncan laughed at my face of relief, as my eyes diverted back to the menu. I leant over to Duncan and whispered to him gently. "Duncan I don't know what I want... You seem to know what's here... Can you choose for me?" Duncan looked up at the waitress and smiled. "Two mint teas and two slices of strawberry cheesecake please."

"So.. London eh?" I put my fork down, clinking loudly. "Oops, anyway, yeah. I wanted to be a game journalist. I saw all these gaming magazines and I just thought 'That's what I want to be.'" "Jeez it sounds like a strange love story. " I shoved Duncan lightly, laughing. "Shut up!" Duncan got his phone out, smiling, and looking at me. "How would a selfie right now sound Miss Richards?" I shrugged my shoulders and stood next to Duncan. I smiled widely; Duncan's arm around me smiling also. As soon as he took it, his arm stayed there for a few more seconds, then took it away. "I'm sorry it's just..." I shushed Duncan. "Shh.. Don't apologise. I understand. It's fine Duncan." Duncan smiled and looked down at his phone. I heard him mumble "Shit..." And the smiles vanished from his face. "Kim.. I'm so sorry.. But I gotta go." Duncan stood up quickly, picking up his bag. "I'm sorry Kim. I'll.. I'll talk to you later okay?" He hugged me before I was left on my own.

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