Midnight Conversations

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"Bye guys!" "Byeeee!" Duncan and I waved at the camera until the light went out. Duncan turned around to me. "That was great Kim." "No it wasn't.. I was too nervous." "Everyone is nervous recording their first video. You did great." I got up and headed out the building with Duncan. I felt a firm grip on my shoulder. "They're all going to love you. Don't worry."

I got home and kicked off my converses, leaving them in my living room. I went into the kitchen to make a little snack; noodles. I wasn't very hungry, and my mum sent me some Malaysian food. I got my steps out closet, and placed them in front of the cupboard. I reached up on them so I could reach a bowl.
As I waited for the noodles to cook, I sat down at the kitchen table and got my phone out to text Hannah.
"Hey Han!"
"Hey Kimm!! How was it?"
"It was great. Duncan and Tom were really nice to me."
"Anything interesting..? Not that it isn't interesting, but.. You know what I mean."
"Kim... Tell meee"
"Oh.. It doesn't matter.. I'll text you after my dinner okay?"
I picked up my noodles and took them into the living room. I sat down and watched Alien. It was one of my favourite franchises. I jumped occasionally during the film, making some noodles drop on me.

I decided I wanted an early night, so I went to sleep at 9pm.
I heard my phone going off so I woke up groggily. It was 12 at night. I rolled over to my phone and answered it.
"Yeah hello?"
"Hey Kim?"
"You guessed right."
"Uh.. Why are you calling me at 12...?"
"I wanted someone to talk to."
"And your first intention was to talk to ME?"
"Yeah. Why not?"
Our midnight conversation lasted for 20 minutes, filled with laughter and casual chat.

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