Tom the Horse

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Duncan's face peeped through the glass pane, and Hannah nudged me. "Can you like not?" Hannah laughed and pushed him towards him.
"Hey Kim." "Hi... Duncan." "Listen, I just wanna thank you for talking to me last night. I know it wasn't the most of convenient of times, but hey." "Oh it's fine. If you ever need to ever again, just call." "Don't worry, I'll be calling you more in the future." Duncan hugged me awkwardly, trying not to point out the face I only reached up to his chest. I broke away after about 5 seconds, or I'd never let go. "Right. So.. I better... Yeah." I chuckled quietly. "Yeah. Good idea." Hannah opened the door after he went into his office. "Ooooooooooh.. Awkward hugs." "Oh shut up woman."

I thought I'd visit Sjin today, and see what his office was like. I was in astonishment when I was his door; Many Disney drawings of Sjin, as well as farmer Sjin. I knocked on the door, and Sjin looked up, stroking his beard, and signalling to come in. He spoke in a little of an Irish accent. "Top of the mornin' to ya, my lover." "Morning Sjin." "Would you like a tour of my Disney cave?" He got up and picked up Tom the Horse. "Tom is amazing. I went to America once with the guys, and I found him at the Disney Store, I threw out a pair of jeans for Tom. I've had him ever since. Even though we have Disney Stores here, I couldn't wait to get Tom." Sjin stroked Tom's mane. "Nothing can separate us." I looked at him, a grown man stroking a Disney horse teddy, and laughed. Sjin put Tom in his rightful place on the shelf, and stroked his beard again. He pointed to a tractor. "My farmer Sjin days, in real life, and in games." "Do you farm with anyone?" "Yeah. Farmer Duncan." Farmer Duncan. It sounded good. "Sounds fun." We remained silent for a few minutes.
Sjin sat down and opened minecraft. "Do you want to see a little project I've been working on?" I nodded and Sjin clicked a world name 'Castle Build.' It took 5 minutes to render, but it was amazing. "Wow.. You made this?" Sjin nodded and smiled. "It took hours."
Sjin minimised the Minecraft window and I laughed at his background; it was him and a grey man kissing, while a rocket crashed behind them. Sjin frowned and looked at it. "Ah.. I should probably explain.. That's Chris, but we all call him Sips, like everyone calls me Sjin instead of Paul, and everyone 'ships' us." I looked around his office, and saw a collection of photos stuck on the wall. Sjin saw me looking. "Gaming convention. You've got me, Sips, Turps, Lewis, Simon, Hannah and Duncan there." I looked at Duncan's funny expression and laughed. "What even is that face?" Sjin shook his head. "I don't blimming know."

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