The First Video

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"Well, just go ask him."
"Where is his office...?"
Lewis pointed down the hallway to a door with a hazardous sign on the door, which said 'Mad scientist at work.' I knocked on his door nervously and stood there blankly. "Hey. Can I help you?" Duncan was stood there towering over me, flicking his hair to the right. "Oh. Yeah. Um.. Lewis said I should do my first video with someone." Duncan invited me in his office and closed the door behind me. "Look around as I find my schedule, my room is a mess." He was right. He had 3 large cardboard boxes stacked in a pile, over flowing with paper and presents. Fan mail. I looked around his shelves; Portal, Game of Thrones, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy. It was like my dream. I was about to pick up his sword, hooked on the wall. "Be careful, Lewis broke that." I chuckled. "I'm getting the impression that Lewis breaks a lot." Duncan went to take the sword to show me, but he touched my hand. "Yeah he does. You see this bit? That's what he broke." He didn't seem to care.
"Ah." Duncan put the sword back onto the wall, and held up a piece of paper. "Well.. Soon I'm doing a Minecraft thing with Sjin, so tonight at 6?" "Yeah! Sure." "Is a little vlog okay? So people can get to know you?" I thought if people would make fun out of my height, but I didn't care. "Yeah sure. The Common Room?" Duncan nodded and smiled at me.

I had stayed with Hannah all that day, asking her questions about the place. "So.. Do you prefer pc or console Hannah?" "Oh pc for sure." She showed me a picture of a Nyan Catbus t-shirt, from My Neighbour Totoro. "I hope I don't sound horrible when I say you look like someone who likes anime and stuff." "Oh no, its completely true! I love everything fluffy and anime."
Hannah put down her headphones and looked up at me. "How tall are you?" I shuffled over to the windows. "5 foot.." Hannah started to muffle her laugh. "Don't make fun of me! I'm like hobbit height I know!"

Someone knocked on the door, and Duncan's face appeared through the glass pane. "Well. That's me. Bye Hannah. I'll message you later?" "Okay. Have fun, and good luck. Everyone is going to like you." I closed the door slowly behind me and joined Duncan in the Common Room. "Hey. You ready?" "Bit nervous." "Kim. They're gonna like you. You're adorable." I felt myself blush and laugh. Duncan moved the tables and seats so they were a two. A man with a large beard walked in with a camera. "Hey. I'm Tom. Camera dude." "Hi. Kim. Geek." Tom went over to Duncan to make sure he had the correct camera to record, and put up the stand with the camera.
I sat down on the right seat, looking around nervously with my hands on the table. Duncan sat next to me, and put his hand on mine. "It's gonna be okay. There's no need to be nervous, Kim."

"And 3 2 1.. Go."
"Hellooooo. Duncan here, with a different type of video. Yes it's a vlog, you get to see my fabulous hair."
Duncan flipped his hair out his eyes and fixed his glasses. I looked up at him. "And this, this everyone, this is Kim. She's just joined." I smiled and waved at the camera. "Hey guys. Dunc, do you think you said 'this' enough?" Duncan laughed and looked at me. "I don't think I did, to be honest. Why don't you tell the beautiful Tom behind the camera about yourself?" I shuffled in my seat, to make myself seem taller. "Well.. As you can tell from my clothes.. I'm a superhero fanatic.. I love video games, horror films.. Though I get scared pretty easily-"
I got distracted by Duncan's eyes looking at me.

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