Duncan's problem

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It had been two days since I had last seen Duncan, I was starting to worry. Simon was relatively close with Duncan, so I went to his office. His door was covered with drawings of a dwarf (his Minecraft character) and plenty of Jaffa cakes. When i opened his door, this was plenty more Jaffa cakes, real one as well. Simon shouted loudly at his desktop before he turned to see me, closing his game.
"Kim! It's good to see you!"
"Thank you, it's good to see you as well, even if you are shouting."
"Just shouting at mobs. So what brings you to my Jaffa cavern?"
"I was wondering.. Do you know if Duncan's okay?"
"I haven't heard from him actually.. Only the odd word that he won't be in."
"Do you think I'd be okay if I dropped by his apartment?"
"There's nothing wrong with that, I was going to do that but I suppose it's better if you went."
"Oh thank you Simon. I won't take long, and I'll tell you when I come back okay?"
I hugged Simon quickly and rushed out the tower.

I got to Duncan's apartment to hear soft moans inside.
There was no response, so I lightly pushed the door open. Unlocked. I looked around his living room, all to see some shoes on the ground, and a Tshirt on the arm of the sofa. I heard a faint noise from the bedroom, so I opened his bedroom door. Duncan was laying on the bed; an empty whiskey bottle on the floor, a smashed picture frame on the floor, his wardrobe ripped open. I bent down to pick up the picture from the frame, and I automatically worked out what happened. Duncan looked at me quickly and moaned lightly.
"Duncan..? Oh my god... What happened?"
"She broke up with me Kim."
Duncan put his head in his hands and started to sob. I sat down on the edge of his bed, and put my arm around him.
"It's okay... It's okay... I'm here."
"I'm sorry you have to see me like this."
"It's okay Duncan.. Don't apologise."
Duncan buried his head into my chest, while I hugged him. It was horrible seeing him this heartbroken. I slowly put him head on my legs, stroking his head, whispering "It's okay." Over and over again.
After a few minutes, I heard a quiet snore coming from him. I gently shuffled him into his bed, and tucked him in. I started to clean up his floor; picking up his discarded bottles and broken glass. I didn't know what he wanted to do with the picture, so I put it under his bed. I sat down next to his bed, to make sure he was okay, stroking his forehead. After 20 minutes, I thought I'd leave him be, before I kissed him on the forehead. Before I left, I whispered something. I whispered "I 'm sorry. I love you Duncan Jones."

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