No Secrets

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I woke up the next morning at 7:30, my phone next to my face on my pillow. There was 4 messages and a missed call; From Duncan and Hannah. I winced my eyes as I caught some sunlight from the curtains. I got up and had a quick shower; I was probably late enough, I couldn't be more late on my second day.
I changed into a black t-shirt, a red checkered shirt, black jeans and normal converses. I immediately messaged Hannah after.
"Oh god I'm so sorry, I just woke up."
"It's fine Kim. If you've only just woken, why were you up so late?"
"Well... I was talking to Duncan for about 20 minutes, then I watched some videos."
"Woahwoahwoahwoah. Talking to Duncan?"
"Yeah. He called me at midnight."
"Wahay there Kim."
"Oh my god shut up Hannah. I'll talk to you when I get there okay?"
"Get your bum here Kim. Simon's on a Jaffa rampage."
I slid my phone in my pocket, and listened to part of the Iron Man Soundtrack as I walked to work. As I was walking past Hannah's office, she pulled me into her office and shut the door. "Jesus Christ Hannah!" "I need DETAILS KIM." She sat me down and she kneeled down next to me, her hands on either side of her face like a little child. "Tell Hannah." "There's nothing to tell!" "Kiiiiiiiimmmmmmm just tell me." She shook me lightly until I spoke. "All we did was speak, Jesus!" "Yeah... About...?" "Everything. I suppose." "Ooh... I know what's going on here." "What? What are you taking about?" Hannah got up and shoved my shoulder lightly. "You like Duncan!" "Oh my god shut up Hannah!" Hannah bounced around in joy as I sat awkwardly. "I KNEW IT." "Shh..." Hannah hugged me tightly. "Hannah you're more happier than me at the moment."

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