Chapter 24: New Beginnings

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Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

July 27, 2022

Angela's POV

I gave birth to my baby girl Isis Mauri Demons

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I gave birth to my baby girl Isis Mauri Demons. Being her mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I also had a baby boy who I named Zander Kross Porter, his father is Luke.

I was pregnant with twins and I didn't know at the time until I went to the doctor and they performed an ultrasound on me and revealed that I was carrying two babies instead one. I was happy because I was gonna be a mom but my happiness quickly ended when I found out that my twins had different fathers. Isis is Jamell's and Zander is Luke's.

After I found out that I had babies by two different males, I was scared because I didn't know it was physically possible but the doctor's assured me that even though it is very rare in some cases that it could happen. Jamell figured out that Luke raped me and he murdered Luke, he told me that he was ok with me keeping the baby but he quote "had to go". He's been the most amazing father to the kids and that's all I could ever ask for. Even though Zander isn't his he treats him like he is.

The twins are 3 weeks old now and they are the most beautiful things I've ever laid my eyes on. Their birthday is on the 4th of July and I will never forget that day. Jamell was with me every step of the way and I'm forever grateful to have him in my life. My dad calls everyday to check on me and the kids he won't tell me where he is but he constantly sends me money even though I don't need it. I know he fled the country after killing Frank but I wish my babies could meet their granddad in person instead of seeing him through a phone screen. Karin comes by all the time to check on me, since she's my best friend I made her the twins god mother. They aren't even a year old yet and they are so spoiled it's crazy. At this point in my life I'm the happiest I've ever been, nothing is better than this.

 At this point in my life I'm the happiest I've ever been, nothing is better than this

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"Baee I'm home!" Jamell yelled

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"Baee I'm home!" Jamell yelled

"Baee I'm home!" Jamell yelled

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"We're in here"

"Awww lemme see my babies" he took Zander from his carrier and gave him kisses and I watched as Zander opened up his tiny hands and touched Jamell's face. "I love you son" Zander babbled on and on, it was so sweet to watch, "baby girl still asleep?"

Isis had been sleeping for most of the day except for when she wanted to eat, "yeah she is".

I'll just watch her sleep because I have nothing else to do, I just be like wake up mama's so I can play with you but she loves to sleep. I won't complain too much because once she gets older I'll be wanting her to sleep like she does now so I'll just enjoy it now while it lasts. She's still sleeping right now even though her dad is here, normally she jolts awake at the sound of his voice. I love my little family, I can't believe I made something so beautiful.

"I love you Angela" Jamell spoke "And I love you" I said right before a wave of nausea hit me and I picked up the trash can beside me and emptied the contents of my stomach into it.

"I hope this time we have triplets" Jamell uttered

"Oh hell no Maurice"

"Havin' ma baby!" Jamell sung making me laugh

"You gon have my motherfuckin' baby Angela" he spoke again making me bite my lip

here we go again


A/N: Hey peeps, I just wanted to thank you all for the support in my book and I'm bringing it to a close because I want to work on other projects and this book is holding me back from doing so. Over time I plan to revise this book and republish but until then I hope you guys enjoy my book. Look out for my future projects!

I do not own any rights to the pictures or music I utilized in this book! This is a work of fiction.

You do not have my permission to copy or share my work in any shape of form, please do not copy my work! Thank you.

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