Chapter 7: The Calm Before the Storm

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Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

3 days later

Mr. Edwards POV

After getting dressed and drinking my coffee, my phone buzzes with a message from my wife. Rolling my eyes I read her message.

cheating whore 🤮

are you coming to work today?


what you need to worry about is why the clinic called the house and left a message stating that your test results came back positive for syphilis you dirty bitch.

cheating whore 🤮

i'm sorry honey but it's not my fault that you don't satisfy me! you don't have to worry about catching anything anyway you haven't touched me in a year.

After reading her last message I didn't bother responding. I can't believe that this is what we have become. This woman was once the love of my life, I used to worship the ground she walked on but now she's worth nothing more than the dirt beneath my feet. I know I can't believe I'm even talking about her this way but she's put me through some hell these past years from cheating on me, to stealing from me and even giving me an STD. I'm no longer infected thank God, but after that I immediately ended our physical relationship. We still live together but we no longer share a bed because I don't know where she's been.

I received an email early this morning that stated Angela Carter had withdrawn from my class which I find very amusing to say the least. She can't get away from me that easily. Just wait until she finds out I've just been promoted to Head Professor of the Mathematics Department.  

Angela's POV

Currently I'm walking with Luke around campus just waiting until 2nd period starts. I was lost in my thoughts before I heard Luke utter something from beside me so I turned my attention towards him.

"I'm taking you somewhere tonight around 8, so be ready"

Instantly getting excited I smile and ask "ok where are we going?"

"It's a surprise baby" he said, giving me a single kiss on my lips before walking ahead of me. I rolled my eyes at his back because he knows I hate surprises. "I saw that, don't do it again". I just laughed because he knows me so well.

"I'll see you tonight baby!" he shouted before disappearing into the large crowd in transition. And I just continued on with my day excited for tonight.


After school

Luke's POV

As I'm sitting in my car, my phone starts to ring with an incoming call from Tasha. I answer even though I don't want to because she's still my boss.

"Hello, Luke" I can just see the smug look on her face through the phone.

"How may I help you?" I say smartly "What are you doing tonight?"

"Well if you must know, I'm taking your daughter out to dinner" I say instantly smiling at the thought of Angela

"Oh lovely, well change of plans I will be there at dinner with you two, I believe it's time that I'm reunited with my daughter once and for all" she says matter of factly and I feel my anger rising. I just know I look like a hot ass cheeto right now.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I mutter in a low tone trying to keep my cool.

"You heard me, I'm crashing your little gathering" she says with a chuckle. I can't believe this bitch tonight was the night I was gonna make it official with Angela and now my chances of ever being with her might be ruined forever.


"Oop, sounds like I hit a nerve" now her chuckling turned into a full out cackle and I've never wanted to place hands on a woman before this moment.

"Fuck you Tasha! You know how much she means to me"

"Oh Luke, no need to get your little undies in a bunch sweetheart, you're acting as if I'm not doing you a favor. You will make it so that I will see my daughter tonight or else I'll just have to let her know about the double life you're living. I'd hate for your little daughter to be harmed" she says and then hangs up.

I throw my phone against my windshield "FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

I have to do what she says, I can't risk her exposing my past. Shit is about to hit the fan. I texted her the details for the plans I had for tonight and locked my phone.

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