Chapter 15: Prison Break

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Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Constance POV

March 9, 2020

Doctor's Office

"Constance I need you to really know what you're up against with this. This is a high risk pregnancy"

Constance heard what her doctor was explaining to her but she had already made her mind up. She would keep this baby, it was her last sliver of hope and happiness. This baby would be hers to love and the baby would love her back. "I'm keeping it doctor" she admitted making the doctor's voice come to a halt "ok, I wish you the best I'll set up your appointments for the future" the doctor exclaimed before leaving Constance in the room alone where she got lost in her thoughts once again. Her phone buzzed in her bag and she pulled it out, almost dropping her phone once she saw who it was. "Cole?"

"Come to the house" he spoke in a calm tone and I didn't know what to make of it because this could mean a lot of things. I gathered all of my things and walked out to my car, getting in and driving in the direction of my soon to be ex-husbands home. About 20 minutes later I pulled into the driveway turning my car off and mentally preparing myself to go inside. I stepped out of the car walking up to the door exhaling before ringing the doorbell. I hear heavy footsteps approaching the door before it opens up revealing Cole.

"Come in I don't have all day" I stepped inside taking in my surroundings. The air is crisp.

"Why am I here Cole?" I questioned.

"I received papers from Tasha's office stating that we have to show up in court to sign for our divorce and I wanted to hear it from you"

I took a deep breath before I spoke "I'm pregnant and we are no longer happy with each other so I decided to take it upon myself to just end it"

"Wow, you whore! You go out and have a child on me?"

Constance was frightened by his tone but she never backed down from him. She would show no fear for the sake of her child. "I was raped, Cole" His entire composure changed once he heard the words that came out of my mouth. "Honey, why didn't you come to me for help? I could've been there" I started sobbing because I couldn't believe that this is what we have come to. He was my everything as I was his and now we've pushed each other away, we don't share the same home anymore, we sleep with other people, and I'm not sure if the love we once shared is still there.

"I want to make this work, please take me back and forgive me for what I have put you through" Cole began to crawl over to me on his knees, and once he reached me he collapsed on me gently caressing my stomach. I wanted this to work too, if he's sorry for what he's done to me and if he can forgive me for what I've put him through then we can make this work. We can be a happy family. I placed my hand on top of his "I want to make this work too"

We shared a passionate kiss and later we made love all through the night.


Same night

Meanwhile in the Maryland Correctional Facility

Aaron Carter just got word that his babymama was killed. He knew this was his time to break out and reunite with his daughter and avenge his first love's death.

A/N: Hey people 👀 ik ik it's been a little while since I've updated but I've been stuck and unsure on how I want the story to progress from now on. This was an extremely short chapter because I just wanted to get something out to y'all. Stay beautiful peeps❤️

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