Chapter 18: Moving On and Acting Different

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Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Angela's POV

Angela's POV

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September 22, 2021

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September 22, 2021

Atlanta, GA

"Uhh fuck Jamell!"

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"Uhh fuck Jamell!"

Rolling my eyes I turn over onto my side adjusting my pillow and pulling my blanket over my body. A lot has happened since graduation day. My family moved to Atlanta with me because I didn't want to leave them behind. Jamie even moved here temporarily, she still travels back and forth between Florida and Atlanta just for me and I'm grateful for that. However, Jamell and I are roommates and right now I'm listening to him fuck some random girl in his room right across from mine. He's doing it to get under my skin because I told him the night we moved that I didn't wanna get into anything serious with him. He didn't talk to me for days after that and then he just started to show his ass. He will bring home random's everynight and sleep all day without communicating with me. Now he talks a little more but it's not like before at all. Some days he'll talk to me and then there's days that he'll look at me with the meanest mug ever.

Sometimes I feel like he hates me. Last week I came home late from a shoot and I just so happened to be shooting with a guy and the pictures were posted on instagram and he saw and he yelled at me and pushed me up against the wall where our faces were just inches apart and he told me that I better get rid of that nigga because I'm his. He walked away and I called his name because I didn't understand where this was coming from. When I called his name and he turned around and said "Jamell ain't here" I was shocked at what he said. I just didn't bother going after him.

"DADDY! OMG!" she just keeps getting louder and louder, I'm beyond pissed because I'm trying to get some sleep and he's just not letting that happen. I decided to just go ahead and get up because it's currently 7:45 and I have a photoshoot at 10. I've been modeling for a few months now before I start my actual career. I've grown to love modeling and now I don't wanna stop so I might just decide to work in that field afterall.

"I'm finna cum!" Finally, like damn they've been going at it for hours.

I lay my clothes for the day out on the bed which is just some chill clothes because when I arrive at the shoot then they'll dress me up and the whole nine. I decided against wearing makeup because they would just take it off anyway.

You may be thinking what about Luke? Well I haven't spoken to him nor have I heard from him since graduation day. He had told me about his daughter but reality hit me when I saw her in front of me and I just couldn't accept the fact that he fathered a child that wasn't mine. I know it's selfish of me but I loved him. Now I'm over it and over him but I wish him the best.

After showering and putting my clothes and shoes on I go downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat before I leave. As I'm eating a bowl of cereal Jamell and his thot stroll down the stairs and he escorts her to the door and closes it but not before giving her a sloppy kiss making extra noises to make sure I heard it. He walks towards the kitchen going into the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water and he turns around facing me allowing me to get a view of the large print in his pants. His boxers and pants are hanging off of his waist exposing his v-line and I clench my thighs together to relieve the throbbing in my core. I look back up to his face only to find him wearing a smug ass smirk on it letting me know he caught me looking. I quickly straighten up and roll my eyes at him, grab my phone and walk out of the door leaving him standing in the kitchen looking dumb as hell.


A/N: Hey guys I'm back. This was just a little chapter I wrote to get out to ya'll. I hope y'all enjoyed it and don't forget to vote! Stay beautiful peeps!😊❤️

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