Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Angela's POV

"You knew about this" I spat looking at Luke with the most evil look I could muster

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"You knew about this" I spat looking at Luke with the most evil look I could muster.

"Oh darling of course he knew, this was all set up he's working for me" my mother says while looking at her freshly painted nails. It took everything in my not to jump across this table at her. My heart broke at this news, the man closest to me can't even be trusted. I tilt my head back because I refuse to let her see me sweat, she won't see me cry. With a chuckle escaping my lips I looked at Luke and I drew my hand back and slapped the hell out of him making him stumble but he quickly regained his footing but I didn't stick around to gage the looks on anyone's face. I walked to the door because what the fuck do I look like running? I'm gonna walk out of here with my head held high like the boss ass bitch I am.

As I make it outside to the sidewalk of the restaurant I hear someone calling my name "Angela! Angela, wait!"

Constance POV

Stealing another glance at Tasha as I follow behind Angela, I shout her name to get her attention "Angela! Angela, wait!"

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Stealing another glance at Tasha as I follow behind Angela, I shout her name to get her attention "Angela! Angela, wait!"

"What?" I stop walking and I'm rendered speechless because of her beauty

"You're so beautiful"

"Excuse me?" her tone snaps me out of my thoughts because I just realized I had said my thoughts out loud. I hope she doesn't feel uncomfortable around me now. "Nothing I just wanted to check and see if you were alright"

"Does it look like I'm alright? Mrs. Edwards with all do respect I'm not in the mood to talk"

"Constance call me Constance"

"Ok Constance I don't want to speak with you" she spat rudely but it didn't phase me. It's crazy how my high school friend is the mother of the woman I'm infatuated with. It's such a small world. Tasha still looks great though. All of the feelings I had for her are long gone, I've moved onto her daughter. Crazy how that works.

"Constance what the fuck?" I hear my husband yell as he steps outside into the fresh air. "I was checking on my student"

"Would you like a ride home Angela?" I asked politely. That was the least I could do. "If it's not too much trouble, thank you"

"Cole could you get the car please?"

He stomped off towards the car garage and pulled up a few minutes later with his 2020 Mercedes G-class truck. He hops out as Angela starts to walk towards the car, he beats me to the passenger door and says "Get in the back" not wanting to argue I obeyed.

Cole Edward's POV

After getting Angela settled in the car, I went around to the driver's side and got in

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After getting Angela settled in the car, I went around to the driver's side and got in.

"Where do you stay?" I asked Angela as she stared out of the window lost in her thoughts, what happened back at the restaurant must still be weighing on her mind. "It's just up this hill on the right" she said so softly that I barely heard her. We slowed to a stop at the red light and the car was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. When the light turned green I sped off down the road, my engine roaring could be heard throughout the car. Looking in my rear-view mirror I notice that Constance doesn't have her seat belt on so I decided to be petty. Smirking I press my foot down harder onto the accelerator making the car speed up to 90 mph then I slam on the brakes sending Constance face first into the back of Angela's seat. "Got damn, you alright? It's the no seatbelt for me" I said bringing the car back down to it's regular speed. I look over at Angela only to see her staring right back at me "What?"

"Was that really necessary?"

"It wasn't but I wanted to do it, so don't you worry your pretty little head, ok?" I said, finally pulling up to her place. I took this as a chance to see where she stays for future reference.

"Thank you for the ride, I really appreciate it" Angela said, getting out and walking to her door, she waved and then went inside.

Pulling back onto the road I look in the backseat and see Constance sulking "You're mighty quiet back there, your head alright?" I say with a smirk on my face. She doesn't respond and only continues to sulk and I'm content with that as I make my way back to our house.

"You know I haven't been staying at the house Cole" she says breaking the silence. "Oh I know, but I'm going home I don't know how you're getting where you wanna go but that's not my problem" I said shrugging

Meanwhile back at the restaurant

Luke's POV

I'm still standing in the place that Angela had left me in. I can't believe the shit blew up in my face this quickly. I was hoping that Tasha wouldn't show because I wanted to make my relationship official with Angela tonight. I got her a promise ring and everything and now she may never speak to me again just because I made a fucked up decision to work for her mother. Speaking of Tasha she seemed to enjoy the mess she had created. She was currently sitting right across from me enjoying glazed salmon with vegetables on the side with a glass full of wine.

"Mmm this is so good, you want some?" she offered and I laughed then flipped the table spilling the contents of her meal onto her pantsuit. I had drawn attention from others in the restaurant but I didn't care, this explosion was long overdue.

"Are you fucking crazy!? This is Versace!"

"I don't give a damn bitch, I'm tired of you and your shit. You've ruined one of the best things in my life. I'm done doing your dirty work for you, you can take all of your money and shove it up your ass!" I spat throwing the money I had on me at her.

"Nobody needs your ass any-fucking-way!" was the last thing I heard her say before I walked away to my car starting it up and speeding away.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now