Chapter 2: First Day Pt.2

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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Constance was having an internal battle with herself. She wasn't in denial, but she knew that these thoughts weren't right. She was married after all, she was only supposed to have these thoughts about one individual and that wasn't her husband it was Angela. She couldn't stop thinking about her, every move she made never went unnoticed by Constance. A married woman was only supposed to have such lucid and vivid thoughts about her husband, instead her every day thoughts are interrupted by her. Constance knew having these feelings was wrong but she welcomed them anyway.

Constance Edwards was reading the new issue of Essence magazine when her students started to pile into her classroom. She had always admired black women, even when she was a young girl. She had a black friend when she was attending high school named Tasha. They were best friends, but a rumor had gotten out about Constance wanting to get in her pants and this completely tarnished the friendship. Upon hearing the rumor Tasha immediately cut all ties with the young yellow-haired girl, she wanted nothing to do with Constance anymore considering that she wasn't in any way gay or bi for that matter and neither was Constance supposedely.


Snapping out of her thoughts, she gazes up to see who wants her attention. It was one of her students, Luke.

Constance didn't like Luke, simply because it was obvious of his infatuation with Angela, and she didn't like that, not one bit.

"Yes" she replied.

"Good morning" he said once he gained her attention.

"Good morning Luke, how are you?" She asked even though she didn't give a damn about how he was doing. She could care less whether his morning was going good or not.

She knew how bad that sounded, but she just couldn't bring herself to care, she was only waiting to see her.

"I'm doing well, I'm so ready to kick off the year" Constance mentally rolled her eyes. How can someone be so nice? She thought. It almost made her regret despising him, key word almost.

"I'm ready to start the year as well, it's almost time for class to begin please take your seat Luke" Luke turned away without another word and sat down in the first row, right next to her seat. Constance sees this and scowl's deeply, mentally making a note to create a seating chart next week sometime.

Glancing at the clock she notices that it's 7:30 and Angela still wasn't there. How long is she going to make me wait?

Not waiting any longer, Constance stands up and rounds her desk. Taking everyone and everything in. "Ok, class since today is the first day I'll go easy on you guys. Let's start with introductions"

The class erupts in moans and groans "Enough! You guys need to get to know each other for you will see one another almost everyday from here on out-

Constance is cut off by the door opening, she looks over and sees her. She's so gorgeous, how can someone be so utterly beautiful and not know it.

Constance walks over to the brown-eyed beauty and says "You're late".

She catches a whiff of Angela as she walks through the door and to the first row where she takes her seat. She smells like lavender and it completely enthralled Constance. She can already feel the warmness pooling between her thighs as she basks in the ebony beauty's enchanting fragrance, she's so wrapped up in her thoughts she doesn't notice that she's still standing in the doorway of the classroom. Snapping out of her thoughts, she walks back to the center of the classroom and regains her composure.

"Angela you came just in time we were just going to start introductions". Angela stands and scans around the room, opens her mouth and says "Hello everyone, I'm Angela Carter and this is my second year in college and so far it hasn't been so bad.

"Thank you bellissimo" Constance utters once she's done.

Before she can say anything else the bell rings, signaling that it's time for second period. The entire class stands and exits the room, Angela being the last to go, Constance takes this opportunity to catch some glimpses of the black beauty before she goes carrying her Supreme clutch out with her.


A/N: Second chapter! Kind of short again but it's building up to the juicy parts of the story. Stay beautiful peeps.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now