Chapter 11: No Turning Back

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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Constance Edward's POV

Constance Edward's POV

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Attorney's Office

March 1, 2020

As I sit out in the waiting room of the office the sun shines in through the window I'm next to and the light reflects off of my 3.5 carat diamond ring. The light is almost blinding, I smile reminiscing of the time Cole proposed to me with this ring. It was so beautiful and I was happy. "Mrs. Edward's, Mrs. Smith is ready for you"

I look up and didn't even realize that I was crying until I felt my tears fall onto my hand that rested in my lap

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I look up and didn't even realize that I was crying until I felt my tears fall onto my hand that rested in my lap. I stand up quickly thanking the receptionist and walking down to the office.

As I open the door and walk in I'm stunned because I see Tasha sitting down at her desk. She still hasn't looked up and acknowledged me, she's busy writing down notes on her notepad vigorously. "Come in please and have a seat, make yourself comfortable" she finally greets. I take a seat not wanting to draw anymore attention to myself. While she busies herself with her work I take that as an opportunity to glance around her office. A large beautiful picture frame holds a picture of Angela on the left corner of her desk and right in the middle is a plaque with her full name on it and it reads Head Attorney.

"What ca-" she cuts herself off as she looks up and sees that it's me sitting in her office. "Ms. Edward's what brings you here today?"

"Constance, call me Constance please"

"Ok Constance why are you here today?"

"I want to divorce my husband"

"Ok, now are you completely sure of your decision?"

"Yes, I want to be free and I want him to move on and be happy I've put him through enough as it is anyway"

"Well, I can most definitely take care of that for you. Could you give me some of the reasons as to why you want to split from your spouse so that I may file the correct papers"

"Yes well I recently just found out that I'm expecting and as you've probably already figured out it's not my husbands child"

As she's jotting down notes, she pauses and takes her glasses off of her face and looks up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes. She looks just like Angela. "Constance I have something to tell you. This may not be the best time to discuss this but I want to get this off of my chest"

I'm not sure if I was prepared to hear whatever it was because what could she possibly have to tell me and I haven't spoken to her in over 10 years. I mentally prepared myself to hear whatever she has to tell me. "Ok, go ahead"

"I've been sleeping with Cole" I wasn't surprised. She owes me no loyalty honestly. We USED to be friends but we aren't anymore so I don't feel betrayed but it does sting a little.


"Ok? That's all you have to say?"

"Yes, there's nothing I have to say about it. I'm not mad at you though. This may even be in your favor but I just want you to help me separate from him please"

"Ok, I can do that and it should be a quick process. Do you wish to receive a settlement in your divorce or is there anything you wish to have?"

"No he can have everything I just want to keep my last name"

"Ok, I'll file your paperwork and put it in with the judge and you should receive your court date within the next 2 weeks"

"Thank you so much Tasha"

"You're welcome it's the least I could do, I wish you the best and congratulations on your first child"

After leaving the office, I got in my car and drove off to my condo. And I quickly discarded all of my clothes and sat on the edge of my thinking about my life. I'm going to be a mother in a few months. I have to think about my unborn child's well-being. I have undeniable love for Angela but I cannot pursue her. I'll have to put the feelings I have for her aside.


A/N: Constance is pregnant y'all! This book is going to take some interesting turns so be ready. Stay beautiful!

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now