Chapter 4: Squirtin' on Tha Floor

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Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Constance's POV

She looked so beautiful today. I can't stop thinking about her, why do I have these thoughts? They consume all of my time. I can't even be intimate with my husband without thinking of her. When we were fucking last week I accidentally called him Angela when I orgasmed. He was very suspicious and inquisitive but forgot about it after a while, that night he also never got to finish so I felt bad in a sense but once he fell asleep I went into one of the many guest rooms in our house and finished myself off while thinking of Angela. It was one of the best orgasms I've ever had in my life. I feel bad for saying this but it's the truth, it's how she makes me feel. My everyday thoughts are consumed by her. With these thoughts running through my head I could feel the warmness between my legs once more and I wanted to take this chance to release all of these emotions churning throughout my being. Glancing at the clock I recollect that I don't have another class anytime soon so this is my chance and I wasn't going to waste it. Without another thought I rushed to my desk discarding my shirt, pants, heels and panties in the process. As soon as I sit down on my desk, I start to rub my clit in circular motions as I use my other hand to silence my moans, I envision her sitting in front of me with her legs spread wide open with her juicy pussy on display. Speeding up my motions, I stick my finger into my pussy feeling pressure building up. I'm so close! Continuing on I feel myself almost go over the edge, I'm gonna squirt everywhere. I can't, not here I can't keep my voice low either and stopping wasn't an option. With one more final thrust of my finger, I release my juices all over my classroom floor with a loud moan screaming out Angela's name. Coming back down from my high, I tremble having aftershocks still in a daze. I fail to hear someone enter my classroom.

"WOW SO YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME AGAIN!?" I hear my husband's voice echo off the walls of my classroom. I was completely speechless. What could I say to make this better? Nothing! My subconscious shouted at me. I totally forgot that he was starting work here today, I've been so consumed with thoughts of Angela that I forgot that today is the day that my husband and I start working together. I'm such a terrible wife.


Angela's POV

After my little encounter with Luke, I rushed to my next class making it just before the last bell rang. As I walked to my seat, I looked to my left and saw Luke out of the corner of my eye watching me as I gave him a sly smile and turned back to the front of the class. I checked my watch to see the time and noticed that there wasn't a teacher in the room. I tapped Luke's leg and he turned around blinding me with his sapphire colored eyes "Yes beautiful?"

"Where's our teacher?"

"Oh, you didn't hear? Our old math teacher left, we have a new one for the year"

"Oh, ok thanks for letting me know" I said giving him a grin

"Whe-" I was cut off by the sound of the door opening, everyone's attention was directed to the door where we saw our new teacher enter the classroom with Mrs.Edwards in tow. Are they married? "Yes" I snapped my head to the left and saw Luke looking at me, I must've said that out loud.

Glancing back towards the front of the classroom, I couldn't help but notice how sexy Mr.Edwards looked with his dark hair styled back making him look sophisticated yet mysterious at the same time, he was dressed in a black suit with a casual white button up shirt underneath but his clothing didn't do a good enough job of hiding his toned physique it looked like his muscles would tear through the poor fabric any moment now. As I was too busy checking him out he glanced up and caught me, his grey-blue eyes staring right into my soul. It felt as if we were the only ones in the room. Luke tapping me on the shoulder is what knocked me out of my trans. "Yes?"

"Why were you staring at him so hard?"

"I believe that I've met him before" I lied.

"Oh, you both look like you were undressing each other with your eyes. Wait I take that back y'all were eye-fucking right here I feel like I'm in the middle of a porn scene"

If only he knew that was true.

Getting myself together I sat up with my back against my chair and my legs crossed. I look back up to the front of the classroom as Mr. Edwards begins to speak.

"Good morning everyo-" He cuts himself off and looks at his wife who is staring directly at me and says "You can go '' she takes a few seconds to register what he said before walking out of the classroom. He then turns back towards the class rolling his neck and expelling a low almost inaudible groan that sent chills down my spine, he turns around to his desk and picks up a large stack of workbooks and walks over to my desk drops them making a snapping sound echo off the walls of the classroom before tilting his head upwards and saying "Pass them out" before walking back over to his desk. What a rude bastard! Who does he think he is demanding me to do something? I looked up at him trying my hardest not to roll my eyes at his rude ass but I wasn't gonna hold my tongue "Excuse me sir, could you repeat that please?" I say with a little attitude in my voice girl you know damn well you have a full blown attitude right now bitch you better put his ass in his place. "I told you to pass those workbooks out what didn't you understand?" Ah hell nah I know this nigga didn't just make it seem as if I'm stupid I'm one of the smartest bitches in this class. "Oh I understand. I understand that you're an asshole"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, I said you're an asshole" I said before gathering my things and walking out the door not sparing a glance at behind me at his rude handsome ass.

Mr. Edwards POV

I'm in shock as I watch Angela walk out of my classroom door, not sparing another glance at me in the process. Why did I want her to look at me? Normally I'd never wanna be seen but with her it's different, I for some reason care what she thinks of me. She's incredibly beautiful but if she thinks I'm gonna put up with her bad attitude then she's got another thing coming. I'd fuck it out of her.

Unknown POV

*phone call*

"Did you find her?"

"Yeah" he stated looking at a picture of Angela

"Good, keep me updated"

*end of call*


A/N: oop! There's drama stirring already. What does the phone call mean? Who was it? And why are they trying to find Angela? Find out soon, until then be sure to like and comment to give feedback on the book so far please. Stay beautiful

p.s: hopefully this makes up for the previous short chapters. Love you

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