Chapter 14: The One in Front of the Gun Lives Forever

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Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Angela's POV

Angela's POV

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Her Condo

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Her Condo

March 7, 2020

Dear Angela, If you're reading this it's too late, I'm dead. I know I haven't been much of a mother to you but I love you with all my heart. I hate that this is how I have to say my goodbye to you but karma has caught up to me and sadly my life was taken but I expected it because I've done a lot of bad things that have hurt the people I love. I made a will and you are in it as one of the beneficiaries as well as my husband. I wish you the best in your future. I love you.


Your mother

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I finished reading my mother's letter. I had no clue that she had passed. She has a husband that I knew absolutely nothing about, I didn't even know that she had gotten remarried. This is all so overwhelming to me and all of this is happening at one time. How did she even die?



March 4, 2020

It was a silent day in the office as Tasha straightened up her desk preparing to close up for the night. Once she finished tidying up her desk she went to her filing cabinet and pulled out the Edwards file looking over it once more. The judge had granted the couple a divorce and they had to come to the courthouse in front of the judge to make it official. Constance and Cole would receive their subpoena later this week which was happening quicker than what Tasha thought. She was happy though, she wanted to help best she could. Her personal life was a different story though she was afraid of what could happen once her husband found out that she's been cheating on him. She knew she was in for it because one of his longtime friends had seen her leaving Cole's home that evening. She wouldn't be returning to his home because Cole called her Angela and completely disrespected her. It broke her heart but the deed had been done and she can't take it back now although she wishes she did. She was taking her time moving around the office trying to find something to do. She was stalling because something in her gut told her that he knew and if he knew he was going to hurt her maybe even kill her and that terrified her because he could kill ker and get away with it. He wasn't your average Joe. Her husband was a killer. She met him in Sicily when she was on vacation and she never looked back until he wooed her and made her fall in love which quickly changed once she found out that he was a Mob leader and that made him very powerful. No one really knew about their eloping so if she went missing no one would know how. She had been feeling that she would soon meet her maker so she wrote a series of letters to Angela. She cried for hours writing them because the overwhelming feeling that she could have done better as a mother came over her and she was distraught that she couldn't make up for lost time with her child.

The sound of a door slamming broke her out of her thoughts "We are closed" she shouted to the unknown person. She heard footsteps nearing her office and she quickly but quietly locked her door knowing that this is it. She sobbed quietly as her last thoughts consumed her mind. All she thought about was if she was going to be found and she thought about Angela. In her peripheral she saw her office door being kicked in and she screamed but no one could hear her cries because no one was there but her, she had sent all of her employee's home. "Tashaaa, I know you're in here Tasha" she was behind her desk when she felt it being lifted and thrown across the room no longer shielding her. "I've been looking all over for you, and you've been avoiding me huh?" Frank asked rhetorically while snatching her up and throwing her on the couch by her door. She yelped as he stalked towards her with his gun. He grabbed her face in his hands squeezing so harshly she couldn't close her mouth. "Ya know what Percy told me today while we were out drinking?" she already knew what he was going to say. Not giving her a chance to reply he continued "He went on and on about some broad who he saw leaving another man's home. I asked who he was talking about" she cried silently in pain because he didn't let her face go "YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID? HE TOLD ME HE SAW YOU!" Frank shouted at her, shoving the barrel of his gun inside her mouth causing her to gag. "Oh you're gagging bitch? Were you gagging when you had another man's cock in your whore ass throat?" she didn't answer him and that only made him angrier "Answer me bitch" her cries were muffled as she tried to respond to appease him. He removed his gun from her mouth and he trailed it down her body all the way to her pussy and stopped there. Tasha instantly started squirming trying to get away and he back-handed her as a warning. "Move again and it'll get worse" he threatened, he slid down to her level giving her a single kiss before pulling the trigger and killing her instantly. "I shot your pussy off" he whispered while smirking and putting his gun away. Frank wasn't done with her yet, he took a knife out of his coat pocket and grasped it before stabbing Tasha in her chest cavity 20 times before stopping. Her blood coated the walls as if it was paint. He gathered himself and walked out of the office like nothing ever happened. Her body was found the next day and Frank didn't leave because he had nothing to worry about; he just hid out at one of his many homes.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now