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Nobodys POV: Adam comes downstairs and tells Justin good morning then goes to make some food.

Adam's POV: I couldn't sleep last night because Monica kept sending me messages and calls all frickin night ugh she makes me so mad someti- *ADAMS PHONE RINGS*

Nobodys POV: *also Monica screaming at Adam during this phone call so she is in all caps :) *

" ADAAAMMM! WHY WOULDN'T YOU ANSWER MEEEE LAAASST NIIGGHHHHTT?!?" I can't stand her voice ugh "I'm sorry babe I was asleep." "OMG HOW CAN A PERSON SLEEP THROUGH 107 CALLS AND 687 TEXTS?!?"

Adam hangs up with Monica and looks upset. And then continues to make food.

Justin's POV: I could already tell that was Monica. She makes Adam so mad anymore..  it hurts me.. but why? Ugh screw it.. I cant keep lying to myself.. I like adam.

Adam's POV: I finished making breakfast and brought it over to Justin. I then sat next to him and began to rant. " Why does that female dog always scream at me" Like what the frick is her fricking problem!?!" "Should I just break up with her?"

Justin's POV: "Seeing as she makes you that mad... Yes you probably should. You would be happier without her in my opinion. Everytime you are going to see her or something you look so worried like something is gonna happen and everytime when you come back home you look like you regret all of your life choices."

Adam's POV: I thought about what Justin said for a moment. "That's true... You're right. I'll do it tomorrow.

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