Where am i?

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Justin's POV: We finished filming and I told Adam I was was going to the store and I would be right back. I got to the store and the store attendant came over to me and told me to come with her i was kind of suspicious but i followed her anyway. She took me to the back and locked me in. She told me to keep quiet or else. I am freaking out. She then took out a baseball bat and hit me over the head.

Still Justins POV: I woke up in a dark room and i was tied to a chair and my phone was ringing. I told siri to answer it. It was adam asking me where the fudge am i. I told him i had no idea becsue im tied to a chair in a dark room. I already knew who did this it was 100% Monica. "Adam dont worry about me ill break out and be home before dawn." 

Adams POV: "JUSTIN!! I cant not worry about you i love you and i cant lose you." Justin went silent for a second and said that he couldnt lose me either. He reassured me that he could do this and would be fine and be home in a few hours. "Ok I love you be careful." He said I love you too and then hung up. *sigh* i hope he will be ok...

Justins POV: I looked around for ways to get out and used a weird tik tok hack i had saw one time to get out of the ropes. Shockingly it worked. I got up and looked for tools, i found a dagger, a crowbar, and some keys. I took them all and looked for a door or window. I found a door and tried to use the keys and whoever kidnapped me which i bet was monica heard me and came inside. 

???'s POV: Well Well Well... is somebody trying to escape? Justin answered yeah duh what else am i doing? "Shut up. youre probably wondering who i am and why youre here." Justin said no. "What?" 

Justins POV: "No, because i know who you are." *Begins to walk toward kidnapper* The kidnapper said what do you mean?? *walks to kidnapper and pulls face mask thing off* "i knew it. Hello Monica" *takes out knife* "so the easy way or the hard way?" Monica began to apologize. *laughs* "Dont even try.. I know how fake you are. Youre not sorry for everything youve done to us." "Say goodbye." Monica began to beg me not to  kill her but.. after everything shes done..  for a moment I thought should i really do this? Ive done too much theres no going back now. *Stabs and kills* Ugh that was disgusting. I began to clean up the mess ive made and hide the evidence. When i finished i called adam and told him i got out and i need him to come pick me up. He said he would be right there. I wasnt worried about the blood on me because i knew he would think it was my own blood. Hes pretty easy to trick.

Adams POV: Justin called me and let me know that he got out and he needed me to come get him i got there and i saw he had cuts on his face and arms and was covered from head to toe with blood. I ran out and hugged him. "Justin! What happened? Why are you covered in blood? Are you okay?!"

Justins POV: "Im fine Adam I told you not to worry lets just get home" * pulls away from adam* "Plus your hoodie has blood on it now." Adam said its fine it will wash out. "Okay." We got back to the house and i told adam i was going to take a shower. Adam followed  me to the bathroom door and told me to wait. 

Adams POV: Before Justin showered i wanted to make sure he was okay so i looked at his cuts to make sure theyre not too deep. "Okay go ahead i just wanted to make sure your cuts werent too deep.

Justins POV: "Im fine please dont worry about me ill be back out in 5 minutes." While i was showering i thought of everything that happened today. The realisation that ive just murdered somebody has just came to me. Im a murderer :O Eh its fine. She deserved it. I finished showering and got dressed and walked over to adam. "So what do you want to do now?" 

Adams POV: "Well for starters.. *gets bandaids and cut cleaning supplies and stuff like that* Im cleaning your cuts before they get infected." I cleaned his cuts and then bandaged them. "I promise ill never let anything like that ever happen to you again." I kissed justin and then we decided to head to bed. We layed down and justin kept stirring. "Is everything alright justin?"

Justins POV: "Yeah my body is kinda aching though. and i have a headache" Adam asked me if I wanted some headache medicine or ice or both. "Yes" Adam brought me the ice and medicine and i took the medicine and put the ice on my head which was still throbbing from when monica hit me with a baseball bat. "Thanks adam." Adam said your welcome and gave me a kiss and we laid back down. And he fell asleep. Eventually i drifted off to sleep too.

Hey guys! Its me the creator make sure to let me know what you thought of the episode and I just wanted to say thank you for reading my story! Theres plently of things you could be doing right now but of all things.. Your reading my story! Thank you so much <3 I lava u guys byeeeee!


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