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It was close to nine when Jin got home from work. He was surprised to find the house quiet; had he not seen Jungkook's car in the garage, he would have thought they weren't home. After going up the stairs, he checked his daughter's room, but she wasn't in there. He figured she must be with Jungkook in their room.

Leaving her room, he goes to his, calling out to Jungkook, who gave him no response. He stopped at the front of his door, and his heart sank as he saw five suitcases at the front of their room door. Pushing the door open, he walks in to see Jungkook standing by the bed, adding stuff to another bag.

"H-hey, what are you doing?" His voice trembled, seeing his clothes on the bed and Jungkook tossing them in the suitcase.

"I am helping you pack since you think I am joking about us getting a divorce."

Jin dropped his laptop bag on the floor and rushed over to Jungkook, grabbing his hand and taking his shirt from it. "Jungkook, please, stop!" he cried with his tears filled eyes, carrying his clothes from the bed and moving them back to the closet, throwing them on the floor. "We are not getting a divorce; why are you doing this. Can't we talk? Can't we work on this? Why are you so quick to give up on us?! Where is our daughter?"

"Oh, now you care about where she is! Look at the time you are coming home. Did you call her once to check on her?" Jungkook snaps at him.

"I was at work! Why would I need to call when I know you have her?! I called you all day today, and you have done nothing but ignore me. For fucksake Jungkook, I know what I did was wrong, I should've told you I was pregnant, and I didn't want to go through with it, but I was afraid of you giving me crap about it. I know I kept it from you, but I told you about it, I didn't have to, but I did, can't you forgive me? I am only human, as human we make mistakes-"

"You are so fucking right about that as humans; we do make mistakes. I made the biggest one marrying you. If you don't leave, I will." Jungkook pushes past Jin and storms out of their room.

Jin stood still, and he felt like he was suffocating as his heart tightened against his chest.


"You and Jin can't get a divorce; come on, Jungkook, think about what you are saying. Whatever it is, y'all can work it out." Taehyung said, trying to be the voice of reason to his friend.

Yoongi rolled his eyes; he was not in agreement with Taehyung's thoughts, "Nah, there is not shit to work out if Jimin did some shit like that I am getting a divorce too."

"I get what you would do if your husband did that, but we are talking about Jungkook, not you. He and Jin have been together forever. They have a daughter together, and she has only known her parents being together. How do you think this is going to affect her? Jungkook loves Jin and Ae Ri more than life itself, and I can't allow him to make a mistake because they can't take time and think this through."

"You are only talking this shit because your marriage is all perfect and shit. You have no idea what it's like to be married to someone like Jin or Jimin. They spend more time at fucking work than they do at home. Jimin doesn't even know if our kids eat or what they eat for dinner. He comes home, showers, and then goes to his office to work as if he didn't just spend eleven fucking hours working. Does Hoseok do that? No, think the fuck not, so you can't say shit."

"Again, this is about Jungkook. Not you, me, or our spouses. Jungkook has always loved Jin no matter what. They have made it work for them. I know my best friend; he is hurt. He does not want a divorce; he only needs some time."

"Jungkook might not be my best friend, but I know he don't fucking want to be with a liar and someone he can't trust. I think getting a divorce is the best decision for him! How can he stay with a man who chose his job over their kids? Jin didn't even want Ae Ri he cried-"

Taehyung jumped up from his seat and grabbed Yoongi by his collar, "shut the fuck up!"

"What did you say?" Jungkook, who had been ignoring the two as he sat at the bar and drank his pain away, asked.

"Shut the fuck up!" Taehyung tightened his hold on Yoongi's shirt, glaring at him, knowing he would choke him to death if he spoke again.

Jungkook got up and pulled Taehyung back, "What did you say about Jin and Ae Ri?"

"He was saying that Jin doesn't want Ae Ri to be without both her parents, weren't you?" Taehyung asked while glaring at Yoongi.

Taehyung knew what Yoongi wanted to say, but he refused for those words to make it to his best friend's ears.


Jin read the agreement over and over, as his eyes kept getting blurred with his tears. He scratched his head and took a sip of his wine. Then he reached for his phone and dialed Jungkook's number, but it went to voicemail again.

After Jungkook had left, he had broken down, as Jungkook's words were hurtful and pierced his heart. He knew his husband was angry and upset, but the pain and the words he was telling him was too painful. He was waiting for the day his Jungkook returned to himself.

Upon receiving a text from his mother-in-law, he found out Ae Ri was with them, which put him at ease where she was concerned. He spoke with her and assured her that he and Jungkook were not getting a divorce; they were only going through some challenges, that they would work it out.

Now he was working to finalize the agreement that the legal team had shared for Namjoon to sign, but his head was all over the place, causing a great struggle for him to focus. Leaning his head back in the chair, he breathes out. "You can do this," he whispered to himself.

Taking his time, he made some edits to the agreements' clause, sending it back to Namjoon and his legal team.

In no time, Namjoon responded with his comments and note asking him if he wanted to connect live as he had some more questions, which surprised Jin. He hadn't expected him to be working at two in the morning.

Jin sent him back a response, agreeing to take his call so that they could close out the agreement. 

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