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"Is she sleeping?" Jin asked Jungkook regarding their daughter upon Jungkook returning to their once shared bedroom.

Jungkook responds with a nod as he looked around at all the bags and containers Jin had packed up. "You found somewhere?"

"I am going to move into the apartment my father has in the city. It's been vacant for a while. Guess it will come in handy now."

"I thought you sold it?" Jungkook questioned, confused, as he was under the impression the apartment had been placed on the market four years back.

Jin shook his head, "I started the process but didn't have time to deal with it, so I placed it on pause."

"For four years? What have you been doing with that apartment? Who uses it now?"

"I just told you it's been vacant; no one is using it; well, I will be now."

Jungkook didn't respond but takes a seat on the bed as Jin stood across from him, looking at him.

Taking a deep breath, Jin walks over to him and sits next to him, "I wish we never had to get to this point."

"Same, but here we are-"

"What if I stay here, but in another room while we try and work things out? Do you think that could work?"

Jungkook turned to face Jin, "no, I think it's better if we are apart during this time. I am still angry with you, Seokjin, and even though I am trying to sit here and be cordial with you, it doesn't change that. I need some time alone, and I think you do as well."

"Yeah, I get it, so umm, during this time apart, granting we are going to give it a shot with marriage counseling, we won't be seeing other people, right?" Jin asked, wanting to make sure he and Jungkook were on the same page with a go-forward strategy to bringing their marriage back together.

"Why are you asking, so you can accept more gifts without feeling guilty?"

Jin sighs, "Jungkook, I told you that is a misunderstanding. I might be a lot of things, but I am not a cheater. I have never cheated on you, and I don't plan on it. Sometimes if you only listen to me and stop trying to form your own thoughts and assumptions, we-"

"We would be what?..... Better?" Jungkook lifted an eyebrow as he stares at Jin.

Jin sets his hands behind his neck, pressing against the hard knot forming, and closed his eyes. "Let's not do this now. I will take what I can tonight, and then I will come to get the other stuff another time. I will reach out when I find a counselor for us; tomorrow, I will start looking, I found someone already, but I want to compare them."

"Taehyung mentioned Hoseok-"

"Yeah, no, we are not seeing Hoseok as a marriage counselor. I don't need another person in our circle knowing about our marriage or all the wrongs I have done, or you have done. I rather someone unbiased and detached from all of this. I don't need to be counseled by the man my husband wishes I was more like."

Jungkook stood up as he became confused by Jin's sudden comment, "I am sorry, when have I ever asked you to be like Hoseok?"

"Oh please, like you have to say it, you think I don't listen to all those things you come home saying. Hoseok this, and Hoseok, oh, he is pregnant again, and he is happy, and him and Taehyung this and him and Taehyung that. Do you think I am an idiot, Jungkook? I know you say those things all the time to point out my faults and flaws. Ae Ri, I bet she wishes for another Appa, one who she could look at and say he is excellent, he is incredible, just like how highly she thinks of you.

Well, I am sorry, I am not Hoseok, and I am not superman. I can't do it all. I can't be in three places at once, so sorry you guys got the short end of the stick." Jin stood up and grabbed two of his suitcase, dragging them out of the room as Jungkook stood behind with a severer headache than the one he had beforehand.


Jin let out a heavy sigh as he closed his laptop and got up from the desk he had been working at. He rotated his shoulders that felt sniff and tried kneading the knots that had been forming in his shoulders and neck. Taking up the second bottle of wine he was on, he sways his way towards the skyrise building's balcony; opening the doors, he steps outside, taking in some fresh air. As he takes a sip of the wine, he glances down at his phone, only to sigh another heavy sigh.

Many times throughout the night, he had been tempted to call Jungkook and cry, but each time he picked up the phone, wanting the press the call button, he doesn't as tears forms in his eyes. Turning the bottle to his head, he chugs down the wine, disregarding the bitter taste he usually hated from this particular brand, but tonight he had no other option but it. It had been two weeks since he had moved out, and they had just found a counselor they agreed on and would soon start seeing them.

"Appa, are you coming to bed?" Ae Ri surprised him by asking as she stood by the balcony door staring at him.

"Why aren't you sleeping? Isn't it past your bedtime? I thought I told you to go to bed."

"Dad said during the weekends I don't have to go to bed early, he said I can stay up until I am ready to sleep."

"Well, your dad doesn't get to tell you what to do on the weekends anymore. When you are with me, you follow my rules, and my rule is you need to be in bed. It's late."

Ae Ri began pouting, "I want to call daddy, I want to go home-"

Jin gripped the bottle tightly in his hand as he glared at her, "shut up! I am sick of your shit; you think you are the only one who wants to go home? I want to too, and I can't go; why? Because of you! Everything that is happening right now is because of you; your father was never like this towards me until you came about and ruined it all.

My life was so much better without you in it. Now, you are here, and you just want and want. I work my ass off to put you in private school and make you have the best of everything. You want to play the piano, I make it so you can play the piano; I get you, private tutors. I invest my hard earning money in you so you can be great, but what do you do? You whine like a little brat and create problems in my life.

You are not innocent in any of this, your father might want you to believe you are, but you are not. You are the reason why everything in my life is broken. You are the reason your father and I are going through this; had it not been for you, none of this would have happened!

So when I say go to bed, you need to get your ass in bed- oh, go ahead cry, I don't care if you cry. Do you know how many times I have cried? I cry every night, I hurt too, you think you are the only one? I have been crying since the day I had you and haven't stopped since then. So cry, cry as much as you want, why don't you do one better go call your father and tell him to come to pick you up because I can't stand looking at you anymore!"

Jin threw the bottle against the balcony rail in anger, frightening Ae Ri, who was in tears, causing her to run off to call Jungkook. 

Diary of an Angry Husband | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now