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"Oh, wow, I was not expecting this, but don't worry, I will find out the best divorce lawyer; there is one I looked into two years ago, his success rate of coming out on top is excellent. Will send you his number."

"Me either, but thank you. I have a meeting with Namjoon, and I am already running late, so we will talk later." Jin hangs up the phone and begins to cry. "Over ten years, and you are okay with my dying, how fucked up can you be?" he cries out, slapping his hand against the steering wheel. He had never been so hurt until this day. After the night he had with Jungkook, he thought things would change for them, and they would start fresh again, but clearly, he was the only one thinking that way.

He loves Jungkook and his daughter beyond words he could express, and he knew sometimes he had an odd way of expressing it. Still, he also did the best he could, but it's never appreciated.

Pulling into the restaurant park lot, he cleaned up his face and took a sip of his water, letting out a long-winded breath. He didn't know how he would get through the day, but he was going to push through it, as he did many other days. Getting out of his car, he walks to the restaurant entrance; he was impressed with Namjoon's choice, although it found it too upscale for a business meeting.

When he got in, he told the waitress who he was with; the waitress guided him up the stairs and to a balcony area where he found Namjoon sitting alone. Namjoon stood up as soon as he saw Jin, "you made it."

"Yeah, sorry about the delay; traffic was horrible." Jin gave Namjoon a faint smile and sat in the chair that Namjoon pulled out for him.

"When you called me, I thought it was because you slept in late after being up working last night," Namjoon said teasingly.

Jin smiles and shakes his head, "no, not at all. I wake up very early, no matter what time I go to bed. Something came up, that's why."

"Is everything okay? I don't mean to pry, but your eyes are red."

"You are prying, and I don't like it. If we can discuss the newest edits that I sent you, then I would appreciate that. I have another meeting soon and would like to wrap this up early if possible." Jin told him truthfully, he saw the way Namjoon looked at him, observed the restaurant and the private dining setup he had chosen and wasn't stupid; he knew when someone was trying to make a move on him. Namjoon wasn't the first to do it, and he wouldn't be the last.

Namjoon leans back into his chair; he was not used to anyone talking to him like that. He was even more intrigued with Jin. More than he was before. "You don't shy away from saying what's on your mind, do you?"

"Listen here, Mr. Kim, I have had an exhausting morning. I left my husband in bed not doing well to come here and have this meeting with you, so I would appreciate it if you could treat my time with respect and discuss the business we slotted this time to discuss. Now, if you are seeking for us to have a chat about anything else other than the agreement, I will need to take my leave until you are ready to discuss." Jin got up from his chair and grabbed his bag when Namjoon reached out and grabbed his arm.

"I am ready to discuss the agreement." Jin sighs and retakes his seat, fixing his jacket sleeve. "We can set up another time to discuss the other things I would like to discuss with you." Namjoon gave Jin a wink.

"That's it; I am leaving. Park Jimin will now be your point of contact if you so wish to continue business with my company." Jin didn't wait for Namjoon to say anything more as he got up and hurried down the stairs and out of the restaurant.

When he got to his car and was about to get in, Namjoon appeared and rested his hand on the door stopping Jin; he was out of breath, "I am sorry, please forgive me."

Diary of an Angry Husband | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now