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Namjoon let out a series of curse words as the hotel room door gets banged at, and he pulls away from Jin, getting his jeans and pulling it on; he scowls at Jin, "don't you make a freaking sound!" he orders before leaving the room to the door.

"Who is it?!" he hollered out, irritated while attempting to button his jeans.

"Sir, we received a grievance, and we are going to need you to open your room door-" They didn't finish as Namjoon yanked the door open. "Who the fuck made a complaint, do you know who I-" a punched connected to his face as Jungkook struck him and stormed into the hotel suite, "where the fuck is my husband?" he asked in rage, grabbing Namjoon by his throat and slamming into the wall.

The cops that followed behind snatched Jungkook away from Namjoon, "if you do this, we won't have a choice but to arrest you with him."

Jungkook shrugged their arms from him and turned as though he is going to leave, yet twirled back around and punched Namjoon in the face, "assuming you did anything to him, I am killing you." he turned and took a look at the cops, "you can arrest me then."

He clenched his fist and moved throughout the suite to the bedroom where he found Jin on the bed, and his heart shattered in his chest seeing his husband undress on the bed. Hurrying over to Jin, he disregarded his coat, putting it over him, pulling him up to sit up, "Jin, baby, are you okay?"

"J-Jungkook, I t-told you I am tired; my head hurts so much." Jin lets out, drooping his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

A deep breath left Jungkook as he pushed Jin back to lay on the bed, rubbing his hands over his face; he moved his jacket, he didn't want to look, but he had to. He needed to know. As he examined Jin himself, tears fell from his eyes, and he lifted his husband's body and hugged him, bawling his eyes out. He didn't know exactly what had been done to his husband, but at least he knew he wasn't raped; he had gotten to Jin in time.

For the first time in a long time, he was happy he hadn't ignored Jin when he kept texting him. It's what had led him to find out Jin was out by himself at a bar waiting for Jimin, who hadn't shown up.

When Jin mentioned to him he was feeling dizzy; he assumed it was presumably because Jin hadn't eaten, however as Jin kept on portraying how he had been feeling, Jungkook realized something wasn't right. He told Jin to stay put he was going to come and pick him up, but then Jin told him that the guy who had kissed him was there with him and gave him weird looks so he would go home. It was the last message he received from Jin, and when he began tracking Jin's phone, he realized something was far wrong and immediately called the cops.


"I am so sorry; this is my fault, Namjoon, h-he, oh my gosh, he heard me. He knew Jin, and I were going to be there, t-that's why- fuck! I am so stupid." Jimin lets out as he stood outside of the hospital room door to where Jin was.

"Save it, I don't want to hear it, and honestly, right now, you shouldn't be here. I can bet the only reason why Jin was at that bar was to meet with you because I know for sure he didn't just get up and say he wanted to go to a bar. He is not someone who goes to places like that unless it's suggested to him!" Jungkook yelled at Jin; he was fucking furious that Jimin had even decided to show up. He was the last person he wanted to see.

Yoongi stepped before Jungkook as he pulled Jimin to him, "Kook, you know Jimin didn't cause any of this to happen. I know how much he cares about Jin-"

"Yet he is always a mini devil behind the shit that happens with Jin. It's best if you both leave. When Jin wakes, I will let him know you stopped by, but as of right now, I don't want either of you here."

"J-Jungkook, please, he is my best friend-"

"And he is my fucking husband! Do you think please would have solved anything had he been raped? Do you know how traumatized he is going to be now?! Do you have any fucking idea, and it won't be your responsibility to make him feel safe again, it will be mine, so don't give me shit about you being his best friend, if you are his friend, act like!"

"Okay, okay, that's enough; I won't stand here and have you talk to my husband like that," Yoongi said, getting serious as he didn't appreciate Jungkook's words to Jimin.

Jungkook stepped closer to him with his fist clenched, "then get him the fuck out of here because I don't want him around my husband!"

"Woah, woah, okay, that's enough," Taehyung said, running in between them as he came around the corner and saw what was taking place. Looking at Jungkook, he immediately turns and looks at Yoongi, "Alright, you need to go cause I won't be of much help with stopping him."

"You think I am afraid of him-"

"Ahh fuck!" Taehyung let out as Jungkook pummeled Yoongi down onto the floor, and Jimin screamed out.

Hurrying to Jungkook, Taehyung got him and pulled him away from Yoongi, which was a battle for him; as Jungkook wasn't acting naturally, he was furious, and it became apparent as blood spilled from Yoongi's nose. When Taehyung, at last, moved Jungkook away, he pinned him to the wall.

"Stop this! Do you think Jin would be okay with you doing this?"

"I don't want them here!"

"I know, they are leaving, and if you don't stop, Jin won't see you when he wakes up." Taehyung turned and looked at Jimin, who was tending to Yoongi, "just go, get out of here, I will send status updates on Jin. He is fine, just waiting for the drug to flush entirely out of his system." he tries to express knowing that even with all the mess everyone cared for Jin's wellbeing. However, he couldn't tell Jungkook that, not in his moment of anger.


Jin opened his eyes, confused by his environment, as he scanned the room and tried sitting up; Jungkook stopped him. "Don't get up so quickly."

"Why am I in the hospital?"

Jungkook stared at him, "you don't remember anything?"

Jin shook his head, "I was at the club. How did I get here? Did something happen." he makes another attempt to sit up but winced out in pain. "What happened to my wrist?"

"you were drugged."

"WHAT?!" Jin yelled out, immediately regretting as his head pound.

Taking a seat on the bed with Jin, Jungkook rests his hand over Jin's, "that fucker who kissed you also drugged you and attempted to rape you, but don't worry, we got to you before he did anything."

Jin sat frozen as he gazed at Jungkook; he was in dismay, he was unable to fathom the possibility of being assaulted, a ton of what-ifs began racing through his mind.

Jungkook saw the shift in Jin's eyes as tears fell, and he hugged him, "he didn't get an opportunity to; you are fine, everything will be fine. I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner. I should've followed my instincts the second you disclosed to me you were at a club."

"W-what about Jimin? Did Namjoon hurt him?"

Jugnkook rolled his eyes, "Jimin never showed, you were by yourself-"

A thump at the entryway intruded on the two as one of the doctors treating Jin entered. "Hi, you are awake? I am Dr. Lam; how are you feeling?"

"Confused," Jin spoke truthfully.

Dr. Lam nods, understanding, "it will take some time to start feeling normal again. We will keep you overnight to make sure your body is completely rid of the drug from your system, as well as we need to make sure there aren't any risks to the baby and your pregnancy in the long term."

Both Jin and Jungkook's eyes widen, "b-baby?"

"I am pregnant?"

Diary of an Angry Husband | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now