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Dr. Chye gave Jin the time he required to cry as he realized a few things about himself while she worked on an assessment she wanted to give him as it was going to help her understand him better and the treatment approach necessary to get him to where he wanted to be.

"We have had a long and fruitful session, and you have shared and opened up about many things, so I don't want to keep you here much longer. However, I do ask that you complete this assessment test before leaving. I will discuss the results with you at our next session, and we will plan the next steps based on what your results reveal."

Dr. Chye's session with Jin awakened many thoughts in his mind that had been buried in the sand. Wiping away his tears, he nodded as he thought about the many things that had transpired in his life while he took the tablet from her hand. When he reads the header of the assessment the doctor requested that he take, his eyes immediately widen. As he looked back at her, somewhat confused over why she would ask him to participate in such an assessment, he replied, "I am not a workaholic."

"I am by no way saying that you are. It's not easy to tell what the results will be, but let's give the assessment a try and see what we can learn. My job is to find the root cause of some of the challenges you are currently facing, and in doing so, I have to rule out some things, this being one of them. Because of this, answering each question with honesty is important. It will benefit our sessions going forward and help you get to where you wish to be. Remember, this is a non-judgemental zone; I want to be able to help you the best way I can."

Jin glanced down at the tablet, then up at her before returning to it again. It was the first time since he first sat with Dr. Chye that he started feeling uncomfortable; he was unsure why she wanted him to take such an assessment after he had just explained why he worked the way he did. There was nothing workaholic about his behavior; he just did not want to fail at his job, that was it.

As he began scrolling through the assessment and reading the questions, it made him start to shake his leg. Dr. Chye's eyes remained on him the entire time, watching his behavior; she could see he was having an internal struggle doing the assessment. It was only twenty questions, but it had taken some time to finish it. Finally, when he did, he handed the tablet over to her, "I think I should go now."

She nodded and smiled, "sure, but let's schedule your next session before you leave."

In response, Jin smiled and nodded, agreeing the next time to meet without Jungkook present since he wanted to separate their couple therapy sessions from his personal session with Dr. Chye.


Jin arrived home shortly after nine at night, and he couldn't believe he had spent so much time with Dr. Chye, but he had to admit it had been time well spent, other than towards the end. He was disturbed by the idea that she would give him such an assessment; even though he spent a lot of time at work and loved what he did, he was not obsessed with his job. Although he occasionally let work come before things when he shouldn't have, it didn't mean he was more addicted to working or that he loved it more. That was completely absurd to even think he was such an addict.

Upon seeing her again, he couldn't wait to find out the results; he wished the results had been given to him at the same time. Once he got settled and had a shower, he intended to take his own assessment online and see the results. Several questions, he felt, probed too deeply into his life, and of course, there were some people who worked more than forty hours per week. For example, he had some difficulty answering the question concerning whether working long hours negatively affected his family or other relationships. Although he was hesitant to answer, when contemplating it, he realized that it did. Jungkook often spoke to him about it in the past.

"Is it possible to be a workaholic?" As he walked down the hallway of their house, he whispered to himself. "That is impossible; I am just passionate about my job and work hard, and that's all. Everybody does that." he finally said with a deep sigh.

Because it had been some time since he had been back to living at home with Jungkook and Ae Ri, he found it surprising how quiet the house was. Checking the rooms downstairs, there were no signs of them, but he knew they were home as he had talked briefly with Jungkook on his way home, who he had asked if he were to bring dinner. However, Jungkook had informed him that he and Ae Ri had already eaten, which he hadn't been surprised considering the time. It was his intention to come home earlier and surprise them with dinner, but his therapy session had gone longer than expected, and then once done there, he had returned to the office to finish up some work that required his attention.

Before going to their bedroom, he stopped by Ae Ri's room to check on her; to his surprise, she was asleep. As he entered her room, he turned on the light, kissed her, and told her he loved her. Suddenly, she stirred in bed and said to him, "Appa, you're here." She smiled as she said this.

Jin smiled and nodded his head, "yes, baby, I am here; I missed you. How was your day?"

Ae Ri shifted on the bed and sat up so she could talk with Jin, "in my school, there was a pizza party, and I ate ice cream then I met Uncle Taehyung, who took me to his home and gave me lots of treats, and after that, daddy picked me up and brought me to get dinner, then we came home. It was a long day Appa, I am now tired."

When Jin heard her, he grinned once more and ruffled her hair, "you sound like you had a great day; maybe we could have dinner together tomorrow with your dad?"

"Can we cook as we did at the apartment when you were there?" Ae Ri questioned with excitement in her eyes.

"Of course, we can do that. Why don't you think of something you want us to make and tell me in the morning before you go to school? I can make sure we have the ingredients tomorrow, okay?"

Ae Ri smiled, "okay, Appa."

"Alright, get some rest; we will talk in the morning," Jin said and gave Ae Ri a kiss on her forehead.

Jin turns to leave, and Ae Ri says something to stop him, "I think daddy isn't feeling well today because before we came home, he was vomiting and continued when we came home. I asked him if he wanted my help, but he told me to go to bed and that he was okay, but I don't think he is okay, Appa."

This caused Jin to turn and look at his daughter, "maybe he has a stomach bug; I will make him something for it, okay." he said, giving her a smile, not wanting her to worry even though he felt uneasy hearing this.

Having said goodnight once again, he turns out the light and leaves the room. He takes a deep breath as he rests his back against the closed door to her room.

Getting a hold of himself, he leaves to their bedroom. Jungkook was sitting up against some pillows when he entered the room, watching something on his phone.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

Jungkook pauses what he is watching on his phone and looks towards Jin, "I am good, how was work?"

Jin was about to respond his usual way of responding that it was good but recalling his session with Dr. Chye, he decided not to, "it was a tough day."

Hearing this, Jungkook put his phone down, giving his full attention to Jin, "did something happen?"

"A lot happened, Jimin has decided to take a sabbatical, and then I just couldn't handle today, so I went and saw Dr. Chye and spent some time with her," Jin responded as he walked towards Jungkook.

"Oh, wow, what's making him do that, and you did? How did that go? Are you okay? Was it helpful talking to her?" Jungkook was shocked hearing all of this, especially Jin going to Dr. Chye on his own.

Jin sighed, "he is pregnant and wants to take some personal time. Regarding my session with Dr.Chye, I can tell you about it after I shower-"

"You can tell me while you shower, I will sit in the bathroom and listen," Jungkook says, flipping the blanket from himself and getting off the bed.

Jin stared at him and shook his head, "sure.  By the way, you went for treatment today, didn't you?"

Jungkook glanced at Jin and then looked away, "yeah."

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