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"Seokjin, you said you would be home three hours ago."

Jin paced around his office as he gathered some items, then grabbed his keys from his desk, "I know, I know, I am sorry. I am leaving now. I just had to wrap up on some final things since I won't be back in the office for a while. I hope I do not forget anything either."

Jungkook sighed on the other end of the line, "last week, you said the same thing, yet you went there today. When are you going to start being true to your words, Seokjin?"

"Jungkook, baby, I was only here to help the interim CEO with something - I had to finish this transition. Following today, I promise not to return until after the birth of our son. All of the doctor's advice has been heard, and I am taking it seriously. I will come home, have dinner with you, and watch a movie with you. Okay?" Jin tried assuring Jungkook on the other end of the line; as he walked towards the elevator. He had no intention of returning to the office, though he knew he would have to finish up some work at home. However, he wasn't going to come back to the office until after they had their son.

"It's okay, I understand. However, I did not cook; I ordered food for us. I hope that is okay."

"That's fine, and I know you had an exhausting day today. How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling good; Ae Ri and I played some games earlier before she went off to bed."

"What do you mean, she is already asleep?"

"It's almost ten now, Jin. Don't forget she has school tomorrow morning; she told me she called but didn't get you."

"Shit. The time didn't occur to me, I'm sorry. I might have missed her call; my battery had died. Don't worry; I will be there soon. Also, before I forget, I have many boxes in my car; I may need your help taking them into the home office; however, you don't have to bring them in tonight. It is okay to bring them in tomorrow. I will be getting on the elevator shortly, so I might lose service. I will call you once I am in the car."

"Okay, love you, and don't forget to call me when you are in the car."

Jin smiled, "I will call you as soon as I get to the car, and I love you too."


"Watch him get mad at me when he finds out I brought all these to my car by myself," Jin said as he placed his bag into the back seat of the car, seeing some of the boxes he had to place on the back seat because the trunk couldn't fit anymore.

While he was walking toward the driver's door, he paused for a second, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, rubbing his eyes with his hand; he then used the other hand to press against the car until the dizziness subsided shortly after that. "Gosh, I hate when that happens."

Pulling himself together, he opens the car door and gets in but takes a moment before leaving the parking space. It was not uncommon for him to feel lightheaded and feel as though he would pass out, but fortunately, it never reached that point. It didn't make sense to him what had happened, and he didn't remember each time he was supposed to tell the doctor about it. Nonetheless, he made a mental note to explain it to the doctor at his next visit, but he was confident that he could do it just fine, for he was eight months along and another month still to go. It had to be nothing serious; he knew that.

While taking up the phone, he was about to call Jungkook when Jimin's name appeared on the screen. He answers the phone and drives out of the parking spot, "hey Jimin, what's up?"

"Hey, how are you? Why does it sound like you are driving?"

"Yeah, I just left the office. I am going home now."

Diary of an Angry Husband | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now