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"What are you making?" Ae Ri stood beside her Appa, trying to figure out what he was making for breakfast. This was the first in a long time her Appa was making her something to eat. The last time she was over for the weekend, he pointed her to the frozen meals and gave her instructions on making it in the mornings. She also learned how to make her scrambled eggs in the microwave as she wasn't allowed to use the stove.

Jin turned to look at her, "I thought we could have some french toast, with eggs, fresh fruits, and yogurt. What do you think, would you like that?"

Ae Ri smiles brightly and nods her head, "yes, please. I love french toast, will there be bananas in the fruits too?"

"I know, and yes, of course. You are just like your dad; how could I ever forget bananas?" Jin says to her, smiling at her as he prepared the mixture dipping for the french toasts.

"Appa, can I help? I want to know how to make french toast."

"Sure, get one of the stools and come here; I will show you. Appa hasn't made this in a while, but I think I still remembered it well. My nanny thought me when I was about your age."

Ae Ri does as Jin tells her, pulling one of the high stools closely to the counter and climbs up onto it, sitting now above the counter, which gave her the advantage to see and reach things easily.

"You had a nanny?" Ae Ri questioned, wanting to know more about what her Appa had just stated.

Jin hummed, "I did; she was a very sweet elderly who took care of me for years."

"Oh, so where were grandma and grandpa? They took care of you too?"

There was some silence, and Jin took a deep breath, "they did, grandpa was busy, he worked hard to build up the company I am now in the care of and mom, she had a hard job too. She was around often, though.....okay, so do you like cinnamon on your french toast?" Jin glanced at Ae Ri, who was staring back at him.

"Yes, please."

"Okay, come closer, let me show you how I make these; I know your dad does it differently, and mine might taste different, but you can let me know. If it's not good, we can try it again, okay?"

"It's okay Appa, I want to learn how you make it, and it will be good, don't worry. Daddy said people should always think good and not bad. If we think good, then good things can happen because we will do our best, but if we think bad, then only bad things will happen because we won't do our best."

Jin stared at her, "h-he said that?"

"Yes, he tells me all the time when I have to play the piano, but I am nervous."

"That's good, and he is right; we should always try to have good thoughts. Your dad is a brilliant man."

"I know, that's why he is a doctor isn't it?"

"That and because he likes caring for others," Jin said, thinking back to many times at the beginning of his relationship with Jungkook.


"How is it?" Jin asked, wanting Ae Ri's input on how the food came out; he knew how to make french toast but hadn't made it in years. He knew Jungkook made it often, and it was always great when he did, so he wasn't sure if his skills had become lacking over the years.

Ae Ri smiled, "it's really, really delicious. I love it. Can I have more?"

Jin's face lit up, "of course, please have as much as you want. On the weekends, we can start cooking more together; I had fun cooking with you today."

"Y-you did?" Ae Ri asked while reaching for another french toast, tears forming in her eyes.

"Of course I did; why are you crying, sweetie?" Jin moved closer to her, pulling her into a hug.

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