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"I am impressed," Namjoon says when Jin answered the phone. "What are you impressed with?"

"You, working this late, I wasn't expecting a response until tomorrow. Most people are usually asleep at this time. I rarely find someone else working while I am working."

Jin chuckled, "I usually find it hard to sleep when I have something work-related to do."

"Why? Because you can't stop thinking about it even when you are in bed?" Namjoon asked, leaning back in his office chair.

Jin unknowingly does the same thing, taking his wine glass with him as he does it. "Yes, how did you know?"

"A hunch, I am sort of the same way too."

"Interesting. Okay, let's not waste any time; I don't want to keep you on the phone for long, so what exceptions are you seeking? I know you have a problem with section 2.1, but that is standard across the board in all of our agreements, and the terminating clause, we cannot change. If you agree to a ten-year partnership, we will need to keep the terminating clause as it is currently. However, I can compromise on the non-compete clause and make some modifications there but know you cannot when we are partnering together seek out another client that will provide you with similar services relating to the services my company is offering in the sector of your business you are requesting. The NDA will stand as it is; I understand and appreciate your concern, but my company does not have an appetite for risk at this time to omit the verbiage you are requesting, I am sure as a business owner you can understand."

Namjoon relaxed and listened to Jin as he outlined all he could modify and not modify. If he were, to be honest, he was okay with everything, he had found Jin engaging and listening to him talk, hearing him so confident in his work and what he did made him even more attractive to him. "Okay, since there are so many things to consider, why don't you do this, make the edits you are willing to make, and let's meet for coffee in the morning? We can finalize the agreement then. I will text you the location, see you around nine?"

"Umm, yeah, sure, nine if fine."

"Perfect, looking forward to seeing you again, Seokjin," Namjoon spoke before hanging up.

Jin felt like he had accomplished something; he was so close to closing the deal with Namjoon. A deal that would take his company to the next level, with Namjoon onboard as a client, he would be able to do so much more and reach a new market.

"You did good, Seokjin," he whispered to him and finished the last of his wine as he wiped away the tears that were forming as he thought about the difference between his work life and personal life; he wishes things would go back to the way he was.

As he was about to review some more of his emails, the doorbell rang repeatedly. "Who is that?" he mumbled to himself and got up from behind his desk.


"He drank a lot; he is out of it," Taehyung said, trying to explain to Jin as he helps Jungkook into the house, who was stumbling over.

Jin looked at his husband, who was now on the floor with his back against the wall staring up at him, "did you miss me? Of course, you didn't; you were happy I was gone, right? You want me gone, don't you-"

"Why did you allow him to drink so much?" Jin turned to yell at Taehyung.

"So now I am in control of how much he drinks?"

"I am sorry, I am just-"

"It's fine; I am going home; take care of your husband." Taehyung turns to leave, and Jin stops him, "Thank you...for bringing him home."

Diary of an Angry Husband | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now