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Seeing Namjoon Jin hurried towards Jungkook's side and tugged him towards him, pressing his lips to Jungkook, he kissed him frantically until the kiss was returned with some uncertainty. Leaning away breathless, Jin stared at Jungkook, simply ignoring Namjoon's presence. "Thank you for stopping by; I love you; call me when you get home with Ae Ri."

As Jungkook was about to say something concerning the kiss, Namjoon cleared his throat, and Jungkook glanced towards him then back at Jin, "Let's talk later."

"Okay, see you later." he gave Jungkook a faltering smile and waved at him as he left his office. "What are you doing here?!" Jin snapped at Namjoon once Jungkook was out of sight.

Namjoon stared at Jin and smiled, "so that's your husband, does he know those lips were against mine earlier?"

"I swear I am going to call security and have then escort you-"

"Oh, calm down, I am not here to cause any trouble. I want to apologize for my actions earlier. Did you receive my gift?" Namjoon wandered into Jin's office and shoved the door close.

Jin took a step back as Namjoon came closer towards him, "please stop right there. I don't want you here, and you are not allowed in here. I was serious early when I told you if you cannot respect my boundaries, then the deal will be off. You are a client, and nothing more, I have no interest in you."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, ignoring Jin's words that sounded more like nonsense to him; he knew Jin was playing hard to get, hence why he kissed his husband before him, "you like playing hard to get, don't you? I saw you just now, trying to make me jealous."

A look of disgust forms on Jin's face, "you think I am playing hard to get? Are you sick, what about no, don't you understand? Please get out!"

An annoyed hiss departs from Namjoon, and he glances his eyes up and down Jin's body, then he licked his lips and smirked, "we will meet again soon, wait for me."

"What a fucking creep," Jin mumbles to himself after Namjoon vacates his office.


Jimin looked up from his computer when Jin walked into his office, "thank god you are here; I want to apologize for earlier." Jimin got up from his chair and stepped towards Jin, who had taken a seat on the sofa in his office, leaning his head against the headrest.

Taking a seat next to Jin, he observed how quiet Jin was, which made him concerned, "is everything okay? I called the lawyer for you earlier, and he said he could meet with you tomorrow-"

"Jungkook and I aren't getting a divorce," Jin states and sits up to look at Jimin.

"W-what?, but, I am sorry I don't understand, what's with the sudden change?"

Jin sighs and shakes his head, "Jimin, I don't want a divorce, I love my family, through every high and low Jungkook has always been there for me. When I met him, I told you how much I knew he was my person, the one for me. I can't give that up, and I shouldn't have to. I want to work on my marriage, I want to fix what's wrong with us, and I am not sure if it's possible, but I want to try, and if it does end in a divorce, then at least I can say I tried, we tried."

"What's there to work out though, he outright said he was okay with you dying? You know you will never be able to work on your marriage while being a CEO; Jungkook just wants you home to himself; he hates it that you are here in charge, being great, it makes him feel less than. It's never going to change; he will never understand the reason why you work the way you do, he will never get it that you had all those kids, not because you wanted to, but you only did it to shut him up. He won't get it how hard it has been, how hard it is to balance everything and be this super person he wants you to be. He won't get it! He is not getting it!" Jimin yells as he breaks down and begins to cry.

Diary of an Angry Husband | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now