Chapter 1:A unique situation

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Death. It's an common event for every living being. What lives will also die. There are different ways to die.

Decapitation by a red muscular man is an exemple. But there was no sign of pain at this death. The severed head of Kumagawa Misogi was smiling.

Because the red giant was also down

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Because the red giant was also down. The one who was undobitably the strongest creature in the world. In his final moments he had won.

What he was expecting was a pit of burning eternal pain. Hell was the single place where he could be sent after all he had done. At least he could see his dear not-equal again there.

But what he had seen was complete darkness. Of course, there is a chance that there isn't an after life and all that awaits you is an endless void. But he doubts a void feels so reconstricting.

He heard voices. Voices outside of the place he was. He could barely move and the place was very, also it was moving. There he put the dots together. He was an infant.

Well, more precisley a fetus. Not that it was any better. He had time to spend on his thoughts. That was litteraly the single thing he could do.

What is strange was he felt a strange energy in his mother. People outside it had it too from ehat he felt. He had one too separated from his mother. But in the body was a third one.

He felt being sucked out. Finnaly he was born. This place sucks. He now understands why children don't have consciousness when they are born. The process is disgusting.

That energy leaved his mother's body also. If he had money he would bet all of them on the giant nine tailed fox.

Two people who he assumed were his parents were talking worried ti each other. Not that he could understand them under the beasts raging howls. That fox needs some anger management.

His parents died. He fells nothing at all about that. He didn't know them, there was no reason to be sad.

He was at an orphanage now, still a baby though. After some tests it was revealed he still had his original abilities. He confirmed that by making a mini screw, launching it and than erasing the damage done.

He also exercised how to walk and speak propely. He stoped wjen someone walked in, obviously. No need for him to take too much attention right now.

He also figured out he wasn't in his world anymore. If words like leaf village or hokage weren't enough, than the strange outfits were a dead giveaway.

He also was able to discover his parents were important people. His father especialy was that hokage thing. He was pretty sure it was some sort of political leader. This could turn in his favor.

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