Chapter 16:It's nice to use the old tricks from time to time

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Kumagawa had quiet a nice time as of late. He did get quiet the fun around, apparently there are a lot of people who are into furies if they want Kurama so much. Yeah, the giant fox revealed his name and was confused by the term of furries.

Kumagawa decided not to go into detail with it. There's ome good thing that they didn't develope the internet yet, it's a really dark place.

Kumagawa is almost 100% he began developing romantic feeling for Nienami. Unfortunately, he can't find the oportunity to "test it out".

The minus was called by Hiruzen, says he has a special mission for him. He wonders what it's all about.

He got to the hokage's office and entered the room. The only other person present there other than Hiruzen was Jiraiya.

Jiraiya:Ah, kid! Did sensei also called you?

Kumagawa:[Certainly so.]

Hiruzen:I see you two already know each other. Good, that leaves the introductions out of the way. Now, it has been brought to my attention that I'm getting old.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, I did that. Like, a few days ago. When you were almost killed by Orochimaru-chan.]

Hiruzen:Yes, I assure you my memory is still perfectly intact. Thing which can not be said about my body, old age has weakened me. As such, I decided to pass on the title of Hokage.

Kumagawa:[I'm not doing it, too much work. I may strive to become a ninja, but I simply desire a leisure life as a ninja. The rank doesn't really matter to me, I'm alright with being a genin for the rest of my long life.]

Jiraiya:Why did you mention long life?

Kumagawa:[Oh, I got my hands on some scrolls about my dead clan. Apparently Uzumakis have a very long life span.]

Jiraiya:Huh, thought those were securized. Anyway, I'm flattered that you thought of me about this position, sensei. But I have all this information network thing going on, soooo...yeah.

Hiruzen:I wasn't talking about any of you taking the position. Jiraiya, your ability to lead such a organized system is terrible. While Naruto certainly has the ability, his personality is the problem. No, I want you to being Tsunade here to be the Hokage.

Jiraiya:Tsunade? Are you sure? You'd get the most drunk Hokage in history.

Hiruzen:Likely so. But I at least have the insurance the village will be in good hands. What do you want me to do? Let Danzo be Hokage?

Jiraiya:...Good point.

Kumagawa:[Can I take Sakura-chan with me?]

Hiruzen:Sure, do as you wish.

Kumagawa:[Than I'm in. We can spend some quality time together.]

Jiraiya:Uh, I'll be there too.

Kumagawa:[You'll probably spend your time and money on hostess clubs.]

Jiraiya stared at the blonde bleached dark blue haired boy. This kid had a frightening ability to read people.

On a village, a blonde woman with blonde hair and yellow eyes, with quiet a huge chest, was walking around. She was the granddaughter of the First Hokage, Tsunade.

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