Chapter 18:Our red eyed damsel in distress

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Shikamaru wasn't sure why he was waking up in the morning, he really wasn't. It was such a pain.

Oh, wait, he did know why. It's because his mother said so.

Regardless, he did have new responsabilities now. Because he was the only one which the council deemed fit to pass, he was now a chuunin.

Not only that, he was called to the Hokage's office now. He suspects that this is most likely an important mission that has to be keept secret.

Once he opened the door to the office he expected to see the same old man his generation was so used to, but in his seat sat a blonde woman. Shikamaru was confused at first, but quickly put the dots together.

Shikamaru:Um...You're Tsunade-sama, right? I heard the old man was gonna pass his position to you, but I had no idea it happened already.

Tsunade:Not yet, he's just preparing me for the job now. Guess you could say that I'm an Hokage trainee. While not officially a Hokage, he showed me the ropes and had me take care of sime of his responsabilities as training.

Shikamaru:So, is there a mission for me?

Tsunade:Yes, after a bit of investigations we found out a troubling fact...Uchiha Sasuke has been kidnapped.

Shikamaru:Sasuke has?

Tsunade:Yes, just a night before I have been brought back to the village.

Shikamaru thought that it made a bit of sense that just now the fact he was kidnapped had been found out. The culprits must have done that under the noses of the village, the dead of the night would be a perfect time for that.

While Sasuke had become a lot more sociable, that was only with his teammates. Since Kumagawa and Nienami left for their mission he just spend time at his home, so no one would think it strange not seeing him a few days in a row.

Shikamaru:Then...His kidnappers must be subordinates of Orochimaru.

Tsunade:...Yes. How did you know about that.

Shikamaru:So he was spot on...

As soon as the mission was relayed to him Shikamaru wasted no time. A few minutes later he was at the border of the village, but he was not alone.

For this mission he was together with Kumagawa, Nienami, Shino, Kiba, Choji and Neji. All of them looked to be ready for such a mission.

Kumagawa:[So he was really kidnapped, huh?]

Shikamaru:Yeah, good thing we were ready for this in advance.

Kumagawa thought something like this might happen in their absence, so he talked with Shikamaru about what to do if such a situation arised. After a bit of discussion, Shikamaru agreed to help him with his plan.

Kumagawa suspected those pawns of Orochimaru would act, but after encountering them they must have considered him and Nienami too dangerous to simply combat in the village. With Jiraya in the village as well they wouldn't dare to just try something like this, so they have waited for all three of them to be gone.

Shikamaru had found the formation of the team Kumagawa suggested to be very logical. They wanted to find Sasuke and those tht took him so they'd need a lot of ninja specialized in tracking, that is where Shino, Kiba and Neji cane in.

He also said having a strategist like him would be an great advantage and said to being in Choji as well because the two have very good sinergy, while also being more combat oriented than Ino. And then there were Kumagawa and Nienami, the best combat type ninjas of their class.

Shikamaru agreed to his suggestions, because it made for a well balanced team. All of them got along pretty well as well, so there should be no problem with teamwork.

Kumagawa:[Okay, let's slaughter them!]

Shikamaru:Don't forget, our main objective is to retrieve Sasuke.

Kumagawa:[Yes, I wasn't talking about all of us. I didn't think you'd be up for extra work in any case, must seem like two much of a bother to you.]

Chouji:Shouldn't we listen to Shikamaru, though? He's the squad leader.

Kumagawa:[Eh? I put together the squad, though?]

Kiba:I kind of agree with Naruto on that one. Following Shikamaru's orders to a thee doesn't sit right with me either.

Kumagawa:[Well, let's hear him out a bit. He is the strategist, after all.]

Neji:Yes what plans did you come up with?

Shikamaru:Okay listen up. This would be our formation. Not adhering to it, might very well kill us...

An serious air was exuded as he said that. Shikamaru picked up a stick and began to trace the formation.

Shikamaru:Kiba will be the front scout. That's right, you! You travel through the Fire Nation all yaer around, so you'd be most familiar with the terrain and also have a great sense of smell. Naruto will be third and Sakura fourth. You two have the quickest reaction so you can cover for us from the sides if we get attacked and give us enough time to prepare as well. You two also have both aspects of it covered, Naruto and long range with his screws and Sakura at short range with her swords. Choji, you're going to on the fouth post, our striker. While Kumagawa has higher stricking strenght, you can cover more ranger with your Expansion Jutsu. Neji, I'll leave the rear guard to you. Your Byakugan can cover any blind spots of the team. And I'm second, it'll be easier to give out orders like those. Any questions?

Shikamaru watched as everyone sat in silence, with Kumagawa raising his hand like a child will do with a teacher. He pointed at him, ready to answer whatever question he might have.

Kumagawa:[This isn't really a question, but more of an observation. Sasuke-chan wouldn't usually be taken away so easily. While those guys beat him in combat strenght, he'd have managed to make enough noise to alert someone. My suspicion is towards the girl of the group...She looked to be much trickier than the others. Perhaps a mental jutsu.]

Shikamaru:Okay, if we encounter her than we'll move away and let you deal with her. You're absurdly resistant to tjose kind of jutsus and without us around you'll be free to go wild.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, leave it to me!]

Shikamaru:Okay. Did everyone understand what their jon is?

Nienami:Basically...Beside you guys, I just have to cut everything else.

Shikamaru:Sasuke! We're here to save Sasuke!

Nienami:Don't worry. Sasuke-kun had been with us for a while now. He can take it.

Kumagawa:[Let's go save our Sharingan targeted damsell!]

Shikamaru:...It's like having to leave a child with one of two families, but both families are abusive.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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