Chapter 15:Reflection

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The feast was good, Sauke thinks. Ihad them bond more as a team and the face Kakashi made when he realized where his wallet went was even better.

His smiling teammate might just be his first friend. And that might be the case for the him too, he did get the feeling that the former blonde hated or didn't care for people in general.

But he wasn't all that heartless. He did send flowers with fried steak to Kiba as an apology for fataly crippling him, he didn't send anything to Neji though.

His assumption is that the smiling jerk can actually be a polite and nice guy. But that is just sometimes and just with people ge actually likes.

Kurama was satisfied with his actual situation as well. He can get his body back at certain periods and usually his host doesn't bother him or ask for his power.

On the other hand, Shukaku was happy his host made pace with the former blonde as well. It's not just the matter of him beating his ass, but that presence.

When they were close the tanuki tried to sense Kurama's presence, but it was very hard for him. At the begining he couldn't understand why, but he figured out later.

Kumagawa's presence was actually surpressing Kurama's.

The fox might very well be a puppy in comparasion to the minus. The tanuki sensed many things through the centuries, but nothing like that.

If it was to compare pressence, he was something completly new. He felt and compared presences of people to different things before. A monkey. A lion. A dragon. A tsunami. But he wasn't any of that.

He was a void.

A black hole in the desolation of space. He was attracting things that were too close. Accepting without a second thought all the darkness as those he considered allies and having a sick pleasure and destroying everything his enemies ever loved before ending their worthless lives.

He trembles at the thought of him being born in Madara's era. At the darkness the smiling boy possesed, the Uchiha might've very well bowed down and called him master!

A truly unstoppable force.

So, yes, Shukaku is glad. Glad he got just a glimps of his monstrous nature and wasn't subjected to all the destruction he could cause.

That same void was hanging out with his team right now. Well, they were in his house.

Sasuke:Huh, this place is cleaner than I thought.

Kumagawa:[I get very responsable when it's about my home.]

Sasuke:I see. It needs to be hard work.

Nienami held in a laugh. He was tottaly erasing all the dust and any kinf of mess.

Sasuke:Hey, Naruto...was that red hair...

Kumagawa:[Yes. This time it was an actual girl.]

Sasuke:Oh, thank God!

Nienami:Oh, what is this? Does Sasuke-kun have a crush?

Sasuke:What? No, of course not.

Kumagawa:[Hm, they are kind of similar.]

Nienami:I know! Like, hiw they are both emos and clear tsunderes.

Sasuke:...Can you please stop this?

Kumagawa:[I mean, I don't blame you. She was kinda hot.]

Nienami:Tch, I'm hotter!

Kumagawa tittled his head with analytic empty eyes. He touched his chin, as strocking an invisible beard.

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