Chapter 4:Enter test

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The fox, who gave his real name which is Kurama after many words with Kumagawa, was looking at the outside world through his bearer eyes. The village was beautiful and full of hope, to his bearer's displeasure.

He was a strange one, the tailed beast cocluded. He was a pathological liar, yet he seems to keep his promises. He still doesn't know how the boy managed to bring chocolate in a meta-physical place.

On a side note Naruto, or Kumagawa, or whatever he wanted to call himself these days was walking to the forest region. There, he and his teammates were gonna have a survival test.

As he arrived, his two teammates were already there. He waved without any ssnse of shame for his tardiness.

Sasuke:You're late.

Kumagawa:[I had something important to take care of.]


Kumagawa:[Of course.]

He searched through his cloth and took out a certain magazine. Sasuke deadpaned at him.

Sasuke:...Isn't that just Shounen Jump?

Kumagawa:[Just Shounen Jump!? This is Weekly Shounen Jump! And it's the new number who came out today. It was a life or death situation.]

Sasuke:Are you serious!?

Nienami:Of course he is. Naruto would trade your life for Weekly Shounen Jump.

Sasuke:Don't you mean our lives?

Nienami:Do I look like an emo duck?

Kumagawa:[Plus, I'm not the single one who's late.]

As he said that, Kakashi  came to them. He made the same gesture as Kumagawa.

Kakashi:Good morning, folks.

Sasuke:You're also late!

Sasuke suddenly stopped. Realization suddenly hit him. Was he...was he becoming the straight man of the team? Cursed to bring common sense to comic relief.

Sasuke:...There is no God.

Kakashi:Let's start than. For this test, you'll need to take these bells from me. You can use shuriken or whatever, come at me with the intent to kill. After that, you can eat.

Nienami:Tere are only two, so the one who doesn't get a bell will need to get the bell will need to starve while seeing the others eating. You really deserve your name, Scummy-sensei.

Kakashi:That's still not my name!

Kumagawa:[I want to go first.]



The two genin vanished through the leafs of the trees, which is ironic because of the village's name. Kakashi stayed on his knees opening a smut book.

Kumagawa:[Well, Sakura-chan sure was right. Reading something like that in front of your students.]

Kakashi:...I'm not even gonna try anymore. Anyway, first is taijutsu. Ypu can co-

He suddenly stopped and jumped back as Kumagawa moved at inhuman speed and delievered a kick which made a crater.

Kakashi:You're pretty fast for a genin.

Kumagawa:[And you're understatebly slow for an old man.]

Kakashi:...Why you cheecky brat.

Hewent on Kumagawa's back and put his two hands together with two fingers on each raised.

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