Chapter 8:Let's screw the exams

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Haku and Zabuza's death was a tragic fact. They may have been controled as zombies in the third great shinobi world war as zombies agains their will.

But that couldn't happen now, because they were alive. So they just went on their own way.

The ninja team had their own problems. Kakashi and Sasuke still tried to accept the reallity that the smiling shinobi can bring people back from the dead.

Meanwhile, Nienami was worried about her senpai's emotional state. She'll do anything to cherr him up.

She might be called a hero for that. Kumagawa Misogi was a pure force of destruction as his usual emotionless self, which hides under a smiling mask.

When emotions were put in play, however, things were much worse. Just ask Medaka and Iihiko, they got at the end of that.

Nienami:Hey, senpai. Did you know this world got a copy of the manga Danganronpa?

Kumagawa:[They what, now?]

Good, that manga was full of despairful events. That's sure to better up his mood.

With the mission finished, they began to walk back home using the bridge. Kumagawa began to laugh.

Kumagawa:[An AI! Typic Junko-chan!]

Kakashi had some wirk to do, so he let the evil children whk are the bane of his existence by themselfs. They happened to get a view.

It was the nephiew of the hokage, Sarutobi Konohamaru. He was hanging in mid-air by the colar.

Konohamaru:Let me go! Let me go! I'll beat you up!

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Konohamaru:Let me go! Let me go! I'll beat you up!

The one who was holdin him had an annoyed face. Aside from having to travel from Suna to here to take the chuunin exams, with his little brother who casually threatens him everyday that he'll kill him, this little brat bumped into him and will not even apologize.

In short, he was having a really bad day. And Kakuro was not amused, at all..

Kankuro:Did no one teach you good manners?

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Kankuro:Did no one teach you good manners?

His sister was beside him, rubbing her temples. As sassy as she was, he was thankful to her. She was probably the only motive the aformentioned brither didn't kill him yet.

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