Chapter 7:Misty departing

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When Kumagawa arrived at the bridge he was not the least surprised to see the former mist ninjas fighting his teammates. They separated in two fronts.

Zabuza was fighting Kakashi, having his one sharingan eye revealed, while Nienami protected Tazuna. Well, their teacher was a very skilled shinobi. Plus, even if the demon of the mist was to get past him Nienami can handle him with her style and swordmanship and sword atacks aren't very effective agains her anyway. So, they should be alright.

Sasuke on the other hand, wasn't looking good at all. He was trapped in a sphere of ice windows. Haku was travelling through them and stabbed him with many needles.

Kumagawa:[Well, you look really beat up.]

Sasuke jumped back, surprised at Kumagawa appearing right in front of him. Haku widened his eyes behind his mask.

Haku:...How did you get in?

Kumagawa:[I took the shortcut.]

Haku:Shortcut? There is no shortcut.

Kumagawa:[No, there is.]

Haku:No, there isn't!

Kumagawa:[How did I get in, then?]

Sasuke smirked at Haku. Foolish missing nin. To try to reason with his smiling teammate would only get you a headache.

Haku:Doesn't matter! As Zabuza's weapon, I'll defeat you like your friend here.

Kumagawa:[Go ahead, then.]


Kumagawa:[Go ahead. I won't move. I won't defeat myself. Show me that jutsu you're so proud off.]

Sauke:Not to judge, but are you sure that's a good idea.

Kumagawa:[Don't worry. He's not that dangerous.]

Sasuke:...Wait, that's a boy!?

Engeaged at being ignored in mid-fight, Haku began to move along the windows. He stabbed neddles in his body. His spine, his lungs, his stomach.

Yet, the minus didn't fall to the ground like his comarade. He didn't even flinch. He took a neddle outof his lung.

Kumagawa:[That's no good. That's not how you stab someone. You need to aim at a vital spot.]

He gripped the neddle in his hand and stabbed his right eye. Blood dripped on his face. The neddle was impale through his skull, at the back of his head bits of brain matter fell to the floor. The minus face was enveloped by shadows, the single visible feature being a big white smile.


Haku jumped at the highest window, as far away from the smiling boy as possible. This was not normal. What kind of monster was he!?

Sasuke couldn't held it in and puked on the floor. Holy shit, even Itachi's massacre was less gruesome than that

In the next moment, all of the reincarnated minus's wounds dissapeared. There was no blood, no missing eyes, no brain matter on the floor, no needles, even his clothes were restored to it's original state. It's like it never happened.

Sasuke stared at his teammate. Genjutsu? No, that was highly unlikely. If it was a genjutsu, his sharigan would have seen through it.

It's not like he was bad at genjutsu. He passed all the tests for it, but that was it. He waa certanly skilled a both genjutsu and ninjustsu, but he didn't really master those arts.

No, it was the fact that he didn't have any interes in mastering them. He was one of the rare types of shinobi who preffered taijutsu and weapon combat.

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