Chapter 9:Introducing the psychos

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The monstrous trio of shinobi entered in the examination room. The room was full of genins from all the ninja nations.

One got the attention of Kumagawa. Like him, though not as much, Yakushi Kabuto was hiding under a amiling mask of a nice guy.

 Like him, though not as much, Yakushi Kabuto was hiding under a amiling mask of a nice guy

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Kabuto:Hey, you three are new.

Kumagawa:[You've had it before?]

Kabuto:Yeah, this is my sixth exam.

Sasuke:Tch, didn't you fail a lot.

Kumagawa:[What could be the intention?]

Though Kumagawa was looking at Kabuto, he didn't fell like he was stared at by him. In fact, he felt that the minus was staring right through him.

It was like that was the first time someone has done that to him. But for some reason, this boy's stare was much more terrifying than his sannin master.

Kumagawa:[I'm picking up some interesting chakra from those cards.]

Kabuto:Oh, you can tell. These cards hold information about other participants of the exam.

Kumagawa:[Hm, do you have Gaara of the Desert.]

He did have Gaars. He took a blank card and put chskra into it and it suddenly transformed in a image of Gaara with different informations and stats.

Turns out not many things were known about him. But he had C rank missions and a B rank.


Kumagawa:[I wish the old man would give us morr of those.]


Nienami was approached by a fellow leaf shinobi. Yamanaka Ino was in a fighting mood.

 Yamanaka Ino was in a fighting mood

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Ino:Well, well, well. If it isn't Sakura.

Nienami:...Do I know you?

Ino:It's me! Ino! Yamanaka Ino!

Nienami:Doesn't ring a bell.

Ino:Well, I just wanted to greet Sasuke-kun.

She put her arms around Sasuke. She gave a smug look to the style user, which was met with a deadpan.

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