Chapter 13:A new trick

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Gaara was staying in the arena. It was his turn, just that Sasuke wasn't showing up.

Kumagawa:[He sure is late.]

Nienami:Do you think he's conning Scummy-sensei.

Kumagawa:[I would. Jonins are paid way too much.]

Nienami:This tournament didn't really give a thrill, though. I wanted to fight another sword user.

Kumagawa:[Same. Well, I might have the answer at Shikamaru-chan's team.]

Nienami:How so? I mean, sure, Shikamaru-kun is a good strategist. And Choji-san it's alright too, I guess, his jutsu packs a lot of power. But you can beat them easily. You already broke the blonde, senpai.

Kumagawa:[Ah, no. I was actually talking about their sensei.]


Kumagawa:[He's a really powerful ninja with wind chakra. I wonder how his jutsus would be agains mine.]

Nienami:Ah, guess that would be a rare chance. Wind chakra isn't really common.

Kumagawa:[What's your affinity, Nienami-chan?]

Nienami:Earth. But I'd rather stick to swords.

Lightning flashed. On the teren of the arena both Kakashi and Sasuke appeared.

Kakashi:Sorry, we lost track of time.

Gennma:Are you sure you didn't by one of your so cakled books and corrupted a young child?

Kakashi:...You and Naruto need to get along so very well.

Kakashi went in the front rows as the battle began. Sasuke threy shurikens at Gaara, but the sound moved to protect him and made a clone out of it.

He went to the clone and hit cenrtain point of it, as such it dissipated into sand. He moved at high speed and tried to hit the sand user, but he was shielded by the sand.

Ssnd moved around Gaara and made a ball around him. Sasuke jumped back, he observed and eye in the air.

He throwed shurikens and kunais, one after another. But the ball stayed strong.

Sasuke:Alright, things are in place.

He gathered chakra in his hand. A ball of lightning was formed, making a high pitched sound.


He plunged the ball through the sand, hitting Gaara. But that was not all.

Electricity cracked and was conducted theough the shurikens and kunais on the ground. It electrocuted both him and Gaara.

Sasuke:I wouldn't have thought about something so crazy before! But things are different now! I don't care anymore and it fells great!

In the audience, Nienami took a handchieve and erased her tears. Kumagawa patted her on the back.

Nienami:Look at that boy of ours, senpai! He's grown so much!

Kumagawa:[He did.]

The ball of sand came down, a bleeding Gaara steping away. He was breathing heavyly, as if trying to surpress something.

Sasuke:What was that right now? O swear I saw something in there.

The arena was thrown into chaos. The spectators were put to sleep, sand ninjas began to atack and a barrier was put around the hokage and kazekage, who was in fact Orochimaru.

Kumagawa looked at Gaars who was taken away by his siblings. His gaze turned to the barrier.

Kumagawa:[Hey, old man! I'm gonna go to play with Gaara-chan! Don't die in the meantime!]

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