Chapter 10:Screwed snake

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Every student who lassed the written exam were led by Anko in front of a forest. She had to give the instruction.

Anko:Alright brats, listen up! This is the Forest of Death. As you probably figured out from the name, it's full of things who would love to have you as dinner. There will be two type of scrols given to each team. The earth and sky scrol. Your objective is to steal the opposite scrol from the other team. As such, just half of you will pass if you're lucky.

From the crowd a person was very observant of the participants. The man disguised with the litteral skin of a participant, which coincidentaly is an idea Kumagawa thought about more than once, the snake sannin Orochimaru.

 The man disguised with the litteral skin of a participant, which coincidentaly is an idea Kumagawa thought about more than once, the snake sannin Orochimaru

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The team of reincarnations and Uchiha got their sky scroll and began aventuring in the woods. From the screams, ssome of the teams were already eliminated from the exam permanently.

Kumagawa:[Isn't that a beautiful sound? This exam is better than I thought, so much death and despair!]

Sasuke:Anyway, we should make a password in case anyone decide to disguise as one of us.

Kumagawa:[Oh, yeah. You can't make the difference, can you?]

Nienami:Sharigan. The eye which see through any justsu, but transformation.

Sasuke:...Shut up.

They began to discuss of a password. Which started an argument between Kumagawa and Sasuke.

Sasuke:What kind of password is "How much is 1000 minus 7?"!?

Kumagawa:[A cool and deadly one!]

In the end they decided to take Sauke's password, which was very boring in Kumagawa's personal opinion. The conversation was cut short by a burst of violent wind.

Sasuke was stopped by a tree and Nienami stopped herself by srabbing two of her swords into the ground. They were blown away a considerable distance from their original position.

Kumagawa was not blown way an still on his original position, as opposed to his teammates. But to be fair they didn't take neither Medaka or Iihiko on a punch out.

A giant snake came from behind the remained trees and captured Kumagawa in his taul. It opened it's mount, lookimg at the minus.


It swallowed him. Mist people would pe scared and would try to escape from the snake's stomach. Kumagawa Misogi was not mist people.

Kumagawa:[This is pretty confortable. It's hot and soft. It reminds me of when I was still unborn.]

Orochimaru, in his disguise, approached Nienami and Sasuke. He was transformed as Kumagawa and told them the password perfectly.

Sasuke:Who the hell are you?

He took his true form again, with the dead person's skin still atached to him. He gave them a malicious smirk.

Orochimaru:Hiw did you know.

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