Chapter 5:The waves mission

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Kumagawa was throughfully dissapointed. They had their first mission. To bring a cat, a cat!

At least if he was allowed to kill it. That feline deserved it more than most people he killed in his last life.

He, as well his team, were indignated. So, they decided to take the problem to the hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen. Iruka was also there.

Kumagawa:[We're not gonna stand for this anymore, no sir!]

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Kumagawa:[We're not gonna stand for this anymore, no sir!]

Sasuke:We're ninjas, not the animal control.

Iruka:Don't be disrespectful to the hokage! Kakashi, say something!

Kakashi:Don't look at me. These little devils have everything already planned out.

Nienami:Indeed we have. Take a look.

She took out a bunch of sexy magazines. Sexy magazines very familiar to Hiruzen.

Sasuke made the hand signs for his fire jutsu. Huruzen began to sweat.

Hiruzen:Y-you kids must be joking?

Nienami:We're not, henkage-sama.

Hiruzen:...It's hokage.

Nienami:Huh, what are you talking about. You're clearly a pervert. So it's henkage, from hentai.

Kumagawa:[Nad there's the proof. Though, I wonder for how much?]

Hiruzen:Alright! Alright! You win!

The hokage gave in to the threats. He had no other choice.

Hiruzen:Most of the time, genins have D rank missions. I'm gonna give you a C rank. You need to protect a brdge builder to his way home from bandits and the like.

Bandits, huh. Well, their deaths will cure his boredom for some time.

Kumagawa:[Good enough.]

Hiruzen:Tell him he can come in.

The bridge builder entered the room. The man named Tazuna didn't look sober.

 The man named Tazuna didn't look sober

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